Passage No.10, 2013

Oil on Wood
60 x 100 x 15.9 cm
23 5/8 x 39 3/8 x 6 1/4 inches
In Yang’s studio solo exhibition in September 2012, he has started to approach the theme of space and perception. The displayed art works in the exhibition include video installations of various tunnels, corridors and passages, all originating from a plurality of locations and connected to the scene. Furthermore, a series of painting installations, distorting and manipulating the visual space, is presented. In both the paintings and the videos, Yang allows the audience to participate in and observe his artistic manipulation of urban space, while creating an unique relationship between the viewer and the viewed. Each art work alone can be understood as illustrating the flowing and changing nature of urban life through seemingly surreal, twisted and deformed images. Image courtesy of ShanghART Gallery.
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