Strange Fruit by Michael Armitage

6 February 2021
Strange Fruit by Michael Armitage 1
Michael Armitage, Strange Fruit (2016). Oil on Lubugo cloth, 300 x 170 cm. © Michael Armitage. Photo: © Ben Westoby. Courtesy White Cube.
Strange Fruit by Michael Armitage 2
Michael Armitage, Strange Fruit (2016) (detail). Oil on Lubugo cloth, 300 x 170 cm. © Michael Armitage. Photo: © Ben Westoby. Courtesy White Cube.

Strange Fruit is the brilliant work of Kenyan born artist Michael Armitage, spotlighted in our most recent Curated Selection by Filipe da Costa Leite.

The tensions between figuration and abstraction, tradition and modernity, play flawlessly in Armitage's works, which tackle socio-political issues in Kenya today. Velázquez's undulating figures and the haunting expressions of Goya's protagonists are brought together in his unique lyrical vision.

Strange Fruit, pictured here, presents a sublime example of this mastery. His whimsical brushstrokes and rich colour palette are both heavily influenced by the East African landscape Armitage has encountered throughout his life, having grown up and now living part time in Nairobi.

Represented by White Cube, Armitage's solo exhibition Paradise Edict is currently showing at Haus der Kunst, Munich until 14 February when it will move to London's Royal Academy of Arts from 13 March to 6 June.

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