Laguna's garden is a landscape in itself, which she has cultivated for 40 years: a mesh of plants, trees, insects and objects. In the studio, assorted references of art history propose a different perspective. If abstraction and geometry intrinsic to the artist's compositions originate in the painting tradition; figuration and accumulation are a more direct reference to the colors of her surroundings. That is, the inside and the outside become contaminated as the paintings take shape. The canvas is, simultaneously, limitation and opening.
Read MoreLucia Laguna lives and works in Rio de Janeiro. Her latest solo show at the gallery opened in early March and may be viewed online here. Among her most recent solo shows are: Vizinhança, MASP (São Paulo, 2018); and Enquanto bebo a água, a água me bebe, MAR (Rio de Janeiro, 2016). Notable group shows include: 12th Bienal do Mercosul (Porto Alegre, 2020); 30th Bienal de São Paulo (São Paulo, 2012); 32nd Panorama de Arte Brasileira, MAM-SP (São Paulo, 2011); Programa Rumos Artes Visuais Itaú Cultural (São Paulo, 2005-2006). Her work is part of public museum collections, such as MASP, MAM-SP, MAM- RJ, MAR, among others.
Text courtesy Fortes D'Aloia & Gabriel.