On view in our Paris space, contemporary artist Stephen Appleby-Barr's latest painting for Robilant+Voena is a compelling, androgynous portrait.Posed at a table in a dark, intimate setting, the sitter is dramaticallyilluminated in a manner which recalls the distinctive chiaroscuro of OldMaster painters such as Caravaggio. Many of the objects scatteredbefore him would not look out of place in a traditional portrait, yet theirdeliberate, rhythmic positioning, and the inclusion of a scattering of pearls,turquoise jewels, and small white geometric objects are suggestive of adeeper meaning. The portrait is accompanied by a trio of atmospheric stilllifes, giving an insight into the artist's dreamlike and otherworldly universe.
Press release courtesy Robilant+Voena.
Ile de France
Paris, 75000
+33 6 38 88 81 99
Gallery temporarily closed.