THEO presents The Orbit, a solo exhibition by artist Hyojun Kim, from 16 September to 6 October 2023 as the opening exhibition of Lab201.
Even when we see and experience the same object or information, we form different interpretations and perceptions based on our personal experiences and backgrounds, cognitive differences, values and beliefs, as well as our emotional state at that moment. In this way, rather than a mechanical, one-size-fits-all answer, individuals live a life of diverse perceptions that reflect their personal inclinations depending on the events that affect them in each moment.
Hyojun KIM's work explores the differences and changes in perception between various individuals through visual information. His early works focused on expressing individual preferences and emotions, but as he experienced the process of reinterpreting his works differently from the original intentions of the viewers due to the differences in their experiences and perceptions, he continued his exploration of visual boundaries by questioning the boundaries between abstraction and figuration, making the forms of objects clearer while simultaneously reducing their figurativeness.
Exhibition The Orbit refers to the category of objects that an image can belong to, the sphere of influence, or the 'grain' shape, such as the orbits that can be seen in the works. In other words, figurative grains gather together to represent abstract objects, and the artist's works are arranged in the exhibition space to witness the phenomenon of organic interaction with each other, affecting the viewer's interpretation and perception. The artist, who has experimented with the boundaries of figuration and abstraction in a single work, has attempted to realise the formation of a trajectory of energy generated through the exhibition.
The exhibition, in which both those who move out of the orbit and those who stay within it will coexist, will be a place where new emotions and interpretations are harmoniously shared from various perspectives, rather than inferring a specific answer. Although [Orbit] is a concept with an ambiguous starting point, this exhibition will be the starting point of a spatial orbit involving a variety of artists with different personalities in the new exhibition space of THEO, which is 'Lab 201.'
Press release courtesy LAB201.
27, Gangnamdaero 97-gil
Seoul, 06526
South Korea
+82 2-2135-3307
Tuesday – Saturday
1pm – 7pm
(Closed on Sunday, Monday and Holidays)