An Inner Dialogue with Frida Kahlo (Dialogue With Myself 2), 2001

Color Photograph
162 x 194 cm

In this work Morimura casts himself as the world famous Mexican artist known for her lush, surreal self-portraits.

‘A Few Small Nips’ features a woman being literally “murdered by life,” as Frida herself felt, murdered both physically by her chronic pain and suffering and emotionally by an affair of Diego Rivera with her sister Cristina. The painting’s theme is based on a newspaper account of a real murder: a man who murdered his girlfriend by stabing her again and again. On the court the murderer claimed: “But I only gave her a few small nips.”

Exhibition history:
'Naturally Naked', Gary Tatintsian Gallery, Aug - Dec '19
'Yasumasa Morimura', Gary Tatintsian Gallery, Oct ‘06 - Jan ‘07

Yasumasa Morimura, Gary Tatintsian Gallery, 2007, pp.25-25
Courtesy Gary Tatintsian Gallery.
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