(1939 – 2008), France

Alain Jacquet Biography

Alain Jacquet (1939–2008) started his career in the early 1960s and is known for his artworks lying between pop art and conceptual art. At that time, culture and mass consumption imposed itself in the West, stimulated by a flow of advertisements and advertisements of all kinds. To this collective conduct, pop art responds with the roundabout use of its techniques. Advertising, comics and road signs invest an iconography whose watchword is 'democratisation', as opposed to elitist culture in art. For Alain Jacquet, art must fit into the heart of everyday reality. It is industrial development and technical progress that allow Alain Jacquet to develop such an aesthetic. Jacquet gradually brings the codes op Pop Art to France when he begins to use the technique of screen printing, which is a mechanical reproduction. This technique, used especially for advertisings, is the beginning of the point, a recurring pattern in Jacquet’s work. Jaquet’s work has been the subject of numerous retrospectives and is in more than 40 museums and public permanent collections.

Alain Jacquet
featured artworks

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Vénus au Miroir by Alain Jacquet contemporary artwork painting
Alain Jacquet Vénus au Miroir, 1968 Silkscreen on paper
49 x 62 cm
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La Bille de Genève- Marble* by Alain Jacquet contemporary artwork works on paper, print
Alain Jacquet La Bille de Genève- Marble*, 1971 Serigraph on cardstock
90 x 90 cm
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Sans titre by Alain Jacquet contemporary artwork painting
Alain Jacquet Sans titre, 1961 Oil on canvas
130 x 100 cm
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Sans titre by Alain Jacquet contemporary artwork painting
Alain Jacquet Sans titre, 1962 Oil on canvas
119 x 94 cm
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Bulldozers by Alain Jacquet contemporary artwork painting
Alain Jacquet Bulldozers, 1973 Print on paper mounted on canvas (x12)
27 x 35 cm
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Sac de Jute by Alain Jacquet contemporary artwork painting
Alain Jacquet Sac de Jute, 1968 Silkscreen on cotton canvas, foam
110 x 98 cm
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The First Breakfast by Alain Jacquet contemporary artwork painting
Alain Jacquet The First Breakfast, 1972–1978 Silkscreen, oil and resin on canvas
120 x 164 cm
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Alain Jacquet
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Ocula Member Gallery

Perrotin contemporary art gallery in Paris Marais, France
Perrotin Hong Kong, New York, Tokyo, Seoul, Shanghai +1
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