(1965 – 2006), United States

Jason Rhoades Artworks

Down Under by Jason Rhoades contemporary artwork sculpture, installation
Jason Rhoades Down Under, 2003 Six-shelf rack on wheels, twelve (12) Plexiglas panels with mounted neon-phrases, twelve (12) 110V transformers, sixteen (16) ceramic donkey carts, orange power cord, underwear and power strip
220 x 140 x 65 cm
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Shelf (Mutton Chops) with Unpainted Donkey by Jason Rhoades contemporary artwork sculpture
Jason Rhoades Shelf (Mutton Chops) with Unpainted Donkey, 2003 Seville ultra durable chrome shelving system with 9 shelves, 13 neon panels (glass, plexi, wire, electronical power converter 120 VAC, 50/60Hz), 31 ceramic donkey carts, 1 can of tuna
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NOM Korean Bedroom Idol by Jason Rhoades contemporary artwork sculpture
Jason Rhoades NOM Korean Bedroom Idol, 2006 Palette-shaped leather blotter, L'Aiglon stretch belt, found neon, GTO cable, 6 silicone end caps, 120V Ventex transformer, 3 ceramic donkeys, blue cummberbund, pink bowtie, pink ribbon, white halter
236.2 x 61 x 40.6 cm
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Inner Light by Jason Rhoades contemporary artwork sculpture
Jason Rhoades Inner Light, 1998 Plastic bucket, fluorescent light, electric cable
40 x 30.5 cm
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The Future is Filled With Opportunities (Ridable Steer) by Jason Rhoades contemporary artwork sculpture
Jason Rhoades The Future is Filled With Opportunities (Ridable Steer), 1995 California Go-ped, ABS pipe, red tie-down, two blue buckets, two white buckets, steer horns, flashlight, lasso, red clamp, blue blanket, bungie cord, vibrating cushion
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Light by Jason Rhoades contemporary artwork sculpture
Jason Rhoades Light, 1997 Plastic bucket, fluorescent tubing, electrical wiring and fluorescent light fixture
240 x 30.5 cm
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Twelve-wheel wagon-wheel chandelier by Jason Rhoades contemporary artwork sculpture
Jason Rhoades Twelve-wheel wagon-wheel chandelier, 2004 12 wheels, acrylic glass, cables, 48 neon phrases, fishing line, polystyrene, hot glue, carpet, various materials
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