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Manoucher Yektai Biography

Manoucher Yektai (b. 1921, Tehran, Iran; d. 2019, New York, NY) was a Persian-American artist of the New York School whose painterly impasto works capture still lifes, portraits, and color fields with equal expressiveness. His intense, lyrical pieces maneuver between naturalism and abstraction. Yektai worked on his paintings from the floor, a feature that contributed to their visual dynamism and channeled a mid-century sense of artistic freedom. Invigorating bursts of color, sharp slashes, and wedges of impasto register these expressive gestures. Recognized as a founding member of the New York School of Abstract Expressionism, Yektai's practice was shaped by interactions with contemporaries such as de Kooning, Pollock, Kline and Rothko. Yet his celebration of quotidian beauty is elevated by a vivid blending of cultures. His work was equally informed by his studies in Paris—where he was influenced by the textures of Cezanne, Vuillard, and Bonnard—and by his own Persian origins. Yektai studied at the École des Beaux-Arts and at the Atelier of André Lhote in Paris, as well as at the Art Students League of New York with Robert Hale.

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His work can be found at the Museum of Modern Art, New York; Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Washington D.C.; Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit; Yellowstone Art Museum, Billings, Montana; Guild Hall, East Hampton; and the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art, San Francisco.

Manoucher Yektai's solo exhibition at Karma is currently on display.

Text courtesy Karma.

Manoucher Yektai
featured artworks

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Untitled by Manoucher Yektai contemporary artwork painting
Manoucher Yektai Untitled, 1959 Oil on canvas
55.88 x 76.53 cm
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Dark Table by Manoucher Yektai contemporary artwork painting
Manoucher Yektai Dark Table, 1959 Oil on canvas
81.3 x 106.7 cm
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Untitled by Manoucher Yektai contemporary artwork painting
Manoucher Yektai Untitled, 1964 Oil on canvas
40.97 x 35.56 cm
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Untitled by Manoucher Yektai contemporary artwork painting
Manoucher Yektai Untitled, 1960 Oil on canvas
80.98 x 65.1 cm
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Open Window by Manoucher Yektai contemporary artwork painting
Manoucher Yektai Open Window, 1951 Oil on canvas
1245 x 101.6 cm
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Nature Morte by Manoucher Yektai contemporary artwork painting, works on paper
Manoucher Yektai Nature Morte, 1960 Oil on canvas
101.6 x 101.6 cm
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Untitled by Manoucher Yektai contemporary artwork painting, works on paper
Manoucher Yektai Untitled, 1960 Oil on canvas
130 x 160 cm
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Untitled by Manoucher Yektai contemporary artwork painting, works on paper
Manoucher Yektai Untitled, 1992 Oil on canvas
100.33 x 115.57 cm (incl frame)
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Manoucher Yektai
recent exhibition

Represented by this
Ocula Member Gallery

Karma contemporary art gallery in 188 E 2nd Street, New York, United States
Karma Los Angeles, New York
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