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b. 1969, East Timor

Maria Madeira Biography

Maria Madeira is one of Timor-Leste's most sig­nif­i­cant con­tem­po­rary visu­al artists with an inter­na­tion­al­ly regard­ed prac­tice deeply embed­ded in Tim­or-Leste tra­di­tions, con­cerns and his­to­ries. She is based in Timor-Leste's cap­i­tal, Dili and Perth, Aus­tralia, where she migrat­ed with her fam­i­ly in 1983 fol­low­ing sev­en years in a refugee camp in Por­tu­gal. A promi­nent fig­ure in Timor-Leste's recov­ery since it achieved inde­pen­dence twen­ty-five years ago, Madeira has recent­ly been artist-in-res­i­dence at Dili's Fun­dação Oriente.

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Madeira was born in the vil­lage of Gleno in the Ermera region of Tim­or-Leste. The Indone­sian régime invad­ed in 1975, and her fam­i­ly was evac­u­at­ed to Por­tu­gal the fol­low­ing year. She spent most of the fol­low­ing sev­en years in a refugee camp run by the Red Cross on the out­skirts of Lis­bon and migrat­ed with her fam­i­ly to Aus­tralia in 1983.

Over the years, she obtained sev­er­al aca­d­e­m­ic qual­i­fi­ca­tions. She grad­u­at­ed with a B.A. Fine Arts (Visu­al Arts) Degree from Curtin Uni­ver­si­ty, Perth in 1991. Two years lat­er she received a Grad­u­ate Diplo­ma of Edu­ca­tion (Major in Art) from the same uni­ver­si­ty. In 1996, she obtained her sec­ond degree, a B.A. in Polit­i­cal Sci­ence from Mur­doch Uni­ver­si­ty. In 2019, she com­plet­ed a Doc­tor of Phi­los­o­phy in Art from Curtin University.

Between 1996 and 2000, she worked in West­ern Aus­tralia as a high school art teacher, visu­al artist and cul­tur­al advi­sor for sev­er­al arts and cul­tur­al organ­i­sa­tions. Between 2000 – 2004, she returned to Tim­or-Leste to con­tribute to the recov­ery, rebuild­ing and rede­vel­op­ment of Tim­or-Leste, the newest nation in Asia.

Select­ed solo exhi­bi­tions include Flow­ery Talk, Fun­dação Ori­ente, Dili, Tim­or-Leste, 2023 – 24; Mana Maria, Chi­ang Mai Uni­ver­si­ty, Thai­land 2022; A Place in the Sun, Fun­dação Ori­ente, Dili, Tim­or-Leste, 2022; Tim­or-Leste: An Artis­tic Per­spec­tive, Uni­ver­si­ty of Col­orado, 2019; Ina Lou (Dear Moth­er Earth), Galeri Cip­ta II, Jakar­ta, 2014; Famil­iar Steps, Fes­ti­val da Luso­fo­nia, Macau, 2011 and Silent Voic­es, Can­nery Arts Cen­tre, Esper­ance, West­ern Aus­tralia, 2007.

Select­ed group exhi­bi­tions include Bien­nale Jog­ja XVI Equa­tor #6, Yogyakar­ta Nation­al Muse­um, Indone­sia, 2021; ART­FEM: Women artists 2_nd Inter­na­tion­al Bien­ni­al of Macau_, Natu­ra Alber­gue SCM, Macau, 2020; Elas­tic (Bor­racha) Mobile Res­i­den­cy, Chan Con­tem­po­rary Art Space, North­ern Cen­tre for Con­tem­po­rary Art and Cross Art Projects, Dar­win Aus­tralia, 2014; Arte Luso­fona Con­tem­po­ranea, Gale­ria Mar­ta Tra­ba, São Paulo, Brazil, 2011 and Pic­tur­ing the Sea, Lawrence Wil­son Art Gallery, Uni­ver­si­ty of West­ern Aus­tralia, 2006

Text courtesy Anna Schwartz Gallery.

Maria Madeira
featured artworks

Resistencia Timorense (Timorese Resistance) by Maria Madeira contemporary artwork painting, mixed media, textile
Maria Madeira Resistencia Timorense (Timorese Resistance), 2020 Fabric material, cotton, tais (traditional Timorese cloth), betel nut, diluted red earth, glue, and sealer
110 x 130 cm
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Remains by Maria Madeira contemporary artwork painting, drawing, mixed media
Maria Madeira Remains, 2019 Rock powder, red earth, glue, charcoal, pencil and sealer on canvas
100 x 115 cm
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Refugee Camp by Maria Madeira contemporary artwork painting, drawing, mixed media
Maria Madeira Refugee Camp, 2020 Rock powder, red earth, Betel nut, cotton, gauze, betadine, glue, shellac, ink and sealer on canvas
70 x 115 cm
Anna Schwartz Gallery Request Price & Availability

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