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Madame Mama Bush, 2012

Variable dimensions

Mickalene Thomas is known for her elaborately constructed and composed photographs and paintings, the latter of which she adorns with rhinestones, enamel and colorful acrylics. Her depictions of African American women explore notions of black female celebrity and identity while romanticizing ideas of femininity and power. Reminiscent of 70s style Blaxploitation, the subjects in Thomas’s paintings radiate sexuality. Women in provocative poses sprawl across the picture plane and are surrounded by kitschy decorative patterns inspired by her childhood.

In 2011, Mickalene Thomas participated in a residency at the Versailles Foundation Munn Artists Program, Giverny, France. Recently, the artist has also held solo exhibitions at The Institute of Contemporary Art, Boston; Santa Monica Museum of Art, Santa Monica (2012); and Hara Museum of Contemporary Art, Tokyo (2011).
Not for sale

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