Katja Seib at dépendance

15 January 2021
Katja Seib at dépendance
Katja Seib, Medusa in vain (2020). Courtesy the artist and dépendence, Brussels; Sadie Coles HQ, London. Photo: Elon Schoenholz.⁠

Katja Seib's exhibition, Happy Endings Don't Bore Me—her first at dépendance, Brussels—closes this week.⁠

Seib is one of the most exciting young painters living and working in Los Angeles, where she is represented by Château Shatto. She also shows with Sadie Coles HQ in London and her work was recently included in Made in L.A. 2020: a version at the Hammer Museum in Los Angeles.⁠

Seib's paintings shift between reality and illusion, often enveloping casual everyday scenes or intimate moments with surreal imagery that transforms them into strangely psychological works. ⁠

In this painting, Medusa in vain (2020), the Greek mythological figure looks into a mirror. A tear falls off her cheek appearing to merge with the pearls of her necklace. It was said that those who gazed into her eyes, turned into stone.—[O]

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