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The veteran Hong Kong gallery expresses its commitment to cross-cultural dialogues with an inaugural exhibition of work by Chinese-American painter Walasse Ting.

Alisan Fine Arts Opens New York Gallery

Walasse Ting, Three Oriental Beauties with a Green Horse and a Green Parrot (1990s). Chinese ink and acrylic on rice paper. 181.6 x 95 cm, 181.6 x 95cm, 181.6 x 98 cm (three panels). Courtesy Alisan Fine Arts.

Alisan Fine Arts, a stalwart of Hong Kong's art scene since 1981, recently opened a new location in New York City's Upper East Side. The gallery is headed by Daniel Chen, former director of Chambers Fine Art.

'This is a gallery that has been at the forefront of Asian art for over 40 years, and it's exciting to be able to broaden its legacy here in the centre of the contemporary art world,' Chen said.

With this first U.S. location, Alisan Fine Arts answers to the rising demand for Asian art in New York and renews its commitment to work with Chinese American and other Asian American and Pacific Islander artists to promote cross-cultural dialogues.

The gallery's inaugural exhibition, Walasse Ting: New York, New York (30 November 2023–16 February 2024) focuses on Ting's time in New York City from the 1950s to the 1990s.

The exhibition showcases Ting's unique style—a fusion of Abstract Expressionism, Pop art, and traditional Chinese ink painting—and the artist's enduring connection with Alisan Fine Arts since 1986.

'We are thrilled to open our New York gallery with an exhibition that not only honours Walasse Ting's extraordinary contribution to art but also coincides with his first solo museum exhibition in the United States,' shared Alisan Fine Arts Director Daphne King.

Coinciding with the gallery's exhibition, Ting's first solo museum exhibition in the United States, Parrot Jungle, is on view at NSU Art Museum Fort Lauderdale until 10 March 2024.

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