Enrico Della Torre Biography

Della Torre's pieces examine the boundaries and potential of the pictorial space, as well as the elements that are present and latent in the work. His style revolves around a possible degree zero of painting, and he looks into the relationship between gesture and structure, exploring the dialectic between expressive calligraphical lines and near-minimalist planes of black graphite.

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In his most recent body of work the artist began incorporating fragments of discarded and unfinished works. By being manipulated, sewn and juxtaposed, these scraps and offcuts have helped open up new avenues of development in the artist's most recent output. The different layers form new compositional spaces, casting light and toning down shadows, thereby enriching Della Torre's language. In this process of workshop archaeology, the painter calls himself into question, allowing irony, playfulness and self-critique to form an active part of the creative process.
In "Cut Out Paintings" we see, therefore, that ample and abstract surfaces give way to organic forms; we see how new lines and distinct silhouettes emerge, and a surprising aesthetic vocabulary arises, which embraces accidents and waste without any hesitation. The pieces invite the spectator to think about what elements a work of art should contain, what the limits of painterly language are, and what happens when this language, reduced to a minimum, undergoes a process of cutting, combining and recycling.

Enrico Della Torre is thus following a highly personal path, in which respect for the essential elements of painting coexists, naturally, with his questioning of the established discourses, and with the unabashed reflection upon the ideal modus operandi of truly contemporary painting.

Enrico Della Torre
featured artworks

Untitled by Enrico Della Torre contemporary artwork painting
Enrico Della Torre Untitled, 2024 Charcoal, rabbit skin glue and polyvinyl glue on canvas
27 x 21 cm
Alzueta Gallery Request Price & Availability
Untitled by Enrico Della Torre contemporary artwork painting
Enrico Della Torre Untitled, 2024 Charcoal, rabbit skin glue and polyvinyl glue on canvas
33 x 41 cm
Alzueta Gallery Request Price & Availability
Untitled by Enrico Della Torre contemporary artwork painting
Enrico Della Torre Untitled, 2024 Charcoal, rabbit skin glue and polyvinyl glue on canvas
27 x 41 cm
Alzueta Gallery Request Price & Availability
Untitled by Enrico Della Torre contemporary artwork painting
Enrico Della Torre Untitled, 2024 Charcoal, rabbit skin glue and polyvinyl glue on canvas
195 x 147 cm
Alzueta Gallery Request Price & Availability
Untitled by Enrico Della Torre contemporary artwork painting
Enrico Della Torre Untitled, 2022 Charcoal, rabbit skin glue and polyvinyl glue on canvas
170 x 120 cm
Alzueta Gallery Request Price & Availability
Untitled by Enrico Della Torre contemporary artwork painting
Enrico Della Torre Untitled, 2022 Charcoal, rabbit skin glue and polyvinyl glue on canvas
170 x 120 cm
Alzueta Gallery Request Price & Availability
Untitled by Enrico Della Torre contemporary artwork painting
Enrico Della Torre Untitled, 2022 Charcoal, rabbit skin glue and polyvinyl glue on canvas
200 x 150 cm
Alzueta Gallery Request Price & Availability

Enrico Della Torre
recent exhibition

Represented by this
Ocula Member Gallery

Alzueta Gallery contemporary art gallery in Séneca, Barcelona, Spain
Alzueta Gallery Madrid, Barcelona
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