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Kasper Sonne Biography

Kasper Sonne (b. 1974 Copenhagen, Denmark) graduated from The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts, Schools of Architecture, Design and Conservation in 2000 and has for the past fifteen years been living and working between Copenhagen and New York. With roots in design and graffiti, Kasper Sonne spent years making large, bold figurative paintings, before turning to abstraction as a way to fully explore the qualities of medium, without being beholden to narrative. In a more recent return to figuration for the artist, the new works manifest an intersection of both interests, as Sonne continues to focus on painterly qualities of color, line, and form, while re-introducing figural elements. His newest compositions often depict expansive and desolate landscapes that grapple with the psychological complexities of isolation and expand individual mental states to the scale of the tectonic.

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Throughout his practice, Sonne has continuously investigated the way we interpret our surroundings and make sense of the world we live in by purposefully constructing and deconstructing reality.

Many of Sonne's paintings tap into the horizon line as a limiting form. So often used to symbolize boundlessness, for Sonne the horizon is a space of rupture where the sky meets its limit at the sea, a field, or some more recent structure. Within his vibrantly colored paintings, anonymous figures and lone trees (functioning as stand-ins for human protagonists) are placed amid natural and built environments, displaced from both their own world and from that of the viewer.

Text courtesy Maruani Mercier.

Kasper Sonne
featured artworks

Study for Room with a View by Kasper Sonne contemporary artwork painting, works on paper
Kasper Sonne Study for Room with a View, 2023 Oil on paper
59.4 x 42 cm
Maruani Mercier Request Price & Availability
Salt of the Earth by Kasper Sonne contemporary artwork painting
Kasper Sonne Salt of the Earth, 2023 Oil on linen
185 x 230 cm
Maruani Mercier Request Price & Availability
No Direction Home by Kasper Sonne contemporary artwork painting
Kasper Sonne No Direction Home, 2023 Oil on linen
213.4 x 183 cm
Maruani Mercier Request Price & Availability
Lost in Hollywood by Kasper Sonne contemporary artwork painting
Kasper Sonne Lost in Hollywood, 2023 Oil on linen
250 x 195 cm
Maruani Mercier Request Price & Availability

Represented by this
Ocula Member Gallery

Maruani Mercier contemporary art gallery in Brussels, Belgium
Maruani Mercier Brussels, Knokke
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