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b. 1988, Switzerland

Manuel Stehli Biography

Recently the artist's work has revolved around large-scale depictions of the human figure. His paintings are not portraits, nor can they be attributed to a specific place and time. While many of them show scenes of human interaction, their focus is not on narrative ideas, but rather on the sheer physical presence of the people depicted and the gestures they perform.

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At the centre of this involvement is the tension between the materiality of the paint and the painterly possibilities on one hand and the physicality of the matter depicted on the other hand. The people he paint are not consistent wholes, neither on a formal level nor in regard to the sources they are based on: essentially, they are collages of photographic or digitally rendered stock imagery that was made to conform to a specific purpose. While these initial poses and gestures tend to have a stereotypical quality to them, it is through the painting process that a sense of oddity and personality may emerge which contrasts with the interchangeability of the source material. It is this state of limbo between representation and immediacy, between distance and intimacy in regard to the perception of the human body Manuel is interested in.

Manuel Stehli
featured artworks

Untitled (head study 2) by Manuel Stehli contemporary artwork painting
Manuel Stehli Untitled (head study 2) Oil on wood panel
30 x 25 cm
Alzueta Gallery Request Price & Availability
Untitled by Manuel Stehli contemporary artwork painting
Manuel Stehli Untitled, 2024 Oil on wood panel
30 x 40 cm
Alzueta Gallery Request Price & Availability
Untitled by Manuel Stehli contemporary artwork painting
Manuel Stehli Untitled, 2024 Oil on canvas
170 x 200 cm
Alzueta Gallery Request Price & Availability

Manuel Stehli
recent exhibition

Represented by this
Ocula Member Gallery

Alzueta Gallery contemporary art gallery in Séneca, Barcelona, Spain
Alzueta Gallery Madrid, Barcelona
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