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Mouna Rebeiz Biography

Mouna Rebeiz is a Lebanese-Canadian painter based in London. She grew up surrounded by musicians, painters and poets, who influenced her painting. Fascinated by the multiple facets of the human being and the human psyche, she studied psychology at the Sorbonne and at Saint Joseph University in Beirut. She travelled extensively, and then in 1995 met Alix de la Source, a lecturer at the Louvre specialising in 18th-century painting, who taught her about the techniques of the great masters. She perfected her mastery of patinas in the Renaissance courses, and studied with Abraham Pincas, a painter and teacher at ENSBA Paris, and with Mohamed El Rawas, a Lebanese painter and engraver teaching at the fine arts school in Beirut. In her works, both figurative and abstract, Mouna Rebeiz captures the energy. of life itself, and the life of woman, expressed at its simplest, as a universal crucible of emotions. Her great sculptures, like revisited totems, are set to the rhythms of present time in the playfulness of space.

Mouna Rebeiz
featured artworks

Bloody Mary by Mouna Rebeiz contemporary artwork painting
Mouna Rebeiz Bloody Mary, 2014 Oil on canvas
200 x 200 cm
Galerie Tanit Request Price & Availability
La Péché Original by Mouna Rebeiz contemporary artwork painting
Mouna Rebeiz La Péché Original, 2014 Oil on canvas
150 x 240 cm
Galerie Tanit Request Price & Availability
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