(1881 – 1973), Spain

Pablo Picasso Artworks

Cavalier et cheval by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Cavalier et cheval, 1952 White earthenware clay, decoration in engobes, knife engraved on white enamel
23 x 185 cm
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Vase aux chèvres by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Vase aux chèvres, 1952 White earthenware clay, deep engraving filled with oxidized paraffin, dipped in white enamel
19 x 20 x 22 cm
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Le peintre et le modèle by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork works on paper, drawing
Pablo Picasso Le peintre et le modèle, 1971 Black ink and mixt technic on paper
16.5 x 33 cm
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Joueur de diaule by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Joueur de diaule, 1947 White clay with coloured engobe and incised decoration under yellow glaze
32 x 39 x 4.5 cm
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Petits visages no.57 by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Petits visages no.57, 1963 White earthenware clay, decoration in engobes and enamel under partial brushed glaze
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Visage by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Visage, 1960 White earthenware ceramic plate with coloured engobe and glaze
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Le barbu by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Le barbu, 1952 White earthenware clay, decoration in engobes, knife engravedunder partial brushed glaze
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Vase tripode by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork
Pablo Picasso Vase tripode, 1951 White earthenware clay, decoration in oxides, engraved on white enamel
76.5 x 23 cm
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Pichet Gothique aux feuilles by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork
Pablo Picasso Pichet Gothique aux feuilles, 1952 White earthenware with cut engobed decoration in blue, white and black
27 x 20 cm
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Picador et taureau by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork
Pablo Picasso Picador et taureau, 1959 White earthenware, engobe decoration under partial brush glaze, red, black and ivory patina
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Visage No.197 by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork
Pablo Picasso Visage No.197, 1963 White earthenware clay, engobe and enamel decoration under glaze
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Tête de femme couronnée de fleurs by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork
Pablo Picasso Tête de femme couronnée de fleurs, 1954 White earthenware clay
23 x 15 x 18 cm
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Visage de Faune by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork
Pablo Picasso Visage de Faune, 28.06.1955 White earthenware clay
26 x 26 cm
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Chouette by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork
Pablo Picasso Chouette, 1969 Earth of white faience, decoration with engobe engraved with the mirette under partial cover with the brush
29 x 21 x 12 cm
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Paloma et sa Poupée sur Fond noir by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork works on paper, print
Pablo Picasso Paloma et sa Poupée sur Fond noir, 1952 Lithograph on paper
70 x 55 cm
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Le clown by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork works on paper, print
Pablo Picasso Le clown, 1961 Lithograph on Arches paper
63.5 x 50.8 cm
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Chouette by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork
Pablo Picasso Chouette, 1968 White earthenware, slip decoration, engraved with a knife

Chouette by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork
Pablo Picasso Chouette, 1969 White earthenware clay, engraved slip decoration by drill rod under partial brushed glaze, gray patina
30 x 22.5 cm
Sea View tapisserie by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork textile
Pablo Picasso Sea View tapisserie, 1965 Wool velour and weft woven cotton
173 x 240 x 1.5 cm
Visage aux feuilles by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork
Pablo Picasso Visage aux feuilles, 1956 White earthenware clay, decoration in engobes under brushed glaze
42 x 42 cm
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Visage no.125 by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork
Pablo Picasso Visage no.125, 1963 White earthenware ceramic plate, partially engraved, with coloured engobe and glaze
25.8 x 25.8 cm
Bailly Gallery
Modèle, tableau et sculpture by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork works on paper, print
Pablo Picasso Modèle, tableau et sculpture, 1933 Original etching on Montval fillegree paper, with watermarks Plate 43 from the Vollard Suite
44 x 33.7 cm
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Jacqueline au mouchoir noir by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork print
Pablo Picasso Jacqueline au mouchoir noir, 1959 Original lithograph on Arches paper
76 x 56.5 cm
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Tête de faune by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork works on paper, drawing
Pablo Picasso Tête de faune, 1963 Pencil on paper
42 x 27 cm
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Chouette femme by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork
Pablo Picasso Chouette femme, 1951 Earthenware ceramic vase with engobe and glaze
27.7 x 15 x 15 cm
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La Femme au Tambourin by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork print
Pablo Picasso La Femme au Tambourin, 1938 Etching and aquatint on paper
66.5 x 51.4 cm
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La Femme à la Fenetre by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork print
Pablo Picasso La Femme à la Fenetre, 1952 Aquatint on paper
83.3 x 47.5 cm
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Nature morte sous la Lampe by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork print
Pablo Picasso Nature morte sous la Lampe, 1962 Linocut with paint on paper
53 x 64 cm
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Torse de Femme by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork print
Pablo Picasso Torse de Femme, 1953 Aquatint on paper
83.4 x 47.3 cm
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Visage et Hibou by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork
Pablo Picasso Visage et Hibou, 1958 Cramics decorated in glaze and relief
24 x 23 x 20 cm
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Young wood owl by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork
Pablo Picasso Young wood owl, 1952 White earthenware clay, partly polychromed and glazed
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Danseurs by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Danseurs, 1956 White earthenware clay, engraving accentuated with glaze, black patinated ground
20.3 x 20.3 cm
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Petite chouette by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork
Pablo Picasso Petite chouette, 1949 Turned white earthenware, decoration with engobes and incised on the outside, enamelled interior
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Face by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork
Pablo Picasso Face, 1955 White earthenware clay, partly black and brown patinated, interior glazed
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Minotaure aveugle guidé dans la Nuit par une Petite Fille au Pigeon by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork print
Pablo Picasso Minotaure aveugle guidé dans la Nuit par une Petite Fille au Pigeon, 1934 (23. October) Etching and drypoint on Vergé de Montval with Picasso watermark
24.1 x 29.8 cm
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Deux têtes (Umschlagentwurf) by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork print, drawing
Pablo Picasso Deux têtes (Umschlagentwurf), 1949 Lithograph (brush with lavis, gouache) chalk on zinc
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Au Cirque: Acrobates, Girafe, Nageuses by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork print
Pablo Picasso Au Cirque: Acrobates, Girafe, Nageuses, 1968 Etching on Velin d'Arches
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La grande Corrida by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork print
Pablo Picasso La grande Corrida, 1949 Lithograph on paper
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Homme dévoilant une femme (Suite Vollard) by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork print
Pablo Picasso Homme dévoilant une femme (Suite Vollard), 1931 Drypoint etching on Montval laid paper with Vollard watermark
36.7 x 27.9 cm
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La Célestine by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork print
Pablo Picasso La Célestine, 1968 Aquatint and etching
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La Célestine by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork print
Pablo Picasso La Célestine, 1968 Aquatint and etching
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La Célestine by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork print
Pablo Picasso La Célestine, 1968 Aquatint and etching
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La Minotauromachie by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork print
Pablo Picasso La Minotauromachie, 1935 Etching, scraper and burin on copper on Vergé de Montval
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Poisson chine by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork
Pablo Picasso Poisson chine, 1952 Plate made of white earthenware ceramic with coloured engobe and glaze
34.5 x 42.5 cm
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Pichet espagnole by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork
Pablo Picasso Pichet espagnole, 1954 Ceramic, white body with engobe and incisions, glazed on the inside
23 x 11.5 x 24 cm
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Colombe sur lit de paille by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork
Pablo Picasso Colombe sur lit de paille, 1949 Ceramic made of white earthenware, partially engraved, with coloured engobe and glaze
32 x 38.8 cm
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Visage noir putoisé by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork
Pablo Picasso Visage noir putoisé, 1948 White earthenware with engobe decoration (white, blue, black, turquoise), under glaze
32 x 39 cm
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Femme du barbu by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork
Pablo Picasso Femme du barbu, 1953 (10. July) Ceramic made of white earthenware, partially engraved, with coloured engobe and glaze
37.5 x 20.5 cm
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Le Déjeuner sur l'Herbe by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork print
Pablo Picasso Le Déjeuner sur l'Herbe, 1962 (13. March) Coloured linocut on Velin d'Arches
53.5 x 64.5 cm
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Nature morte à la Bouteille by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork print
Pablo Picasso Nature morte à la Bouteille, 1962 Coloured linocut on Velin d'Arches
64.1 x 52.7 cm
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Femme au Fauteuil no. 1 (Le manteau polonais) by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork print
Pablo Picasso Femme au Fauteuil no. 1 (Le manteau polonais), 1948 (23. December) Zinc lithograph (transfered from a zinc plate, ink on zinc) on Verlin d'Arches
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Le Repas frugal (Suite des Saltimbanques) by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork print
Pablo Picasso Le Repas frugal (Suite des Saltimbanques), 1904 Etching and spatula on Japanese paper after steeling in 1913
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Jeunes Femmes nues reposant by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork print, drawing
Pablo Picasso Jeunes Femmes nues reposant, 1947 (11. May) Pen on litho paper, imprinted on stone
50 x 65 cm
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Maison close: Le Chocolat II by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork print
Pablo Picasso Maison close: Le Chocolat II, 1955 Sugar-Aquatint, etching, engraving and drypoint on wove paper
45 x 64.8 cm
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Veilleuse by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork
Pablo Picasso Veilleuse, 18.06.1957 White earthenware ceramic, partially engraved, with coloured engobe and glaze
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Poule, Lustre Brun 46 by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork
Pablo Picasso Poule, Lustre Brun 46, 1946 Painted and partially glazed ceramic
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Pichet Visage bleu (Face tankard) by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork
Pablo Picasso Pichet Visage bleu (Face tankard), 1959 White earthenware clay, decoration in engobes, glaze inside
22 x 11.5 cm
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Visage no.111 by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork painting, works on paper, sculpture, photography, print, drawing, installation, mixed media, textile, moving image, nft
Pablo Picasso Visage no.111, 1963 Decor with engobes and enamel under cover black, green, blue and red decor
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Visage aux cheveux bouclés by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork
Pablo Picasso Visage aux cheveux bouclés, Décembre 1968 Red earthen clay printed with engobe pad
31 x 31 cm
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Joueur de flûte by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork
Pablo Picasso Joueur de flûte, 1951 White earthenware ceramic plate with coloured engobe and glaze
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Scène de Tauromachie by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Scène de Tauromachie, 1959 White earthenware, oxidized paraffin decor, ivory and black covered bath
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Taureau dans l'arène by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork
Pablo Picasso Taureau dans l'arène, 1948 White earthenware, decoration with slip and oxides under cover brown, green, blue and black on black background
32 x 39 cm
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Visage dans un ovale by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork painting, works on paper, sculpture, photography, print, drawing, installation, mixed media, textile, moving image, nft
Pablo Picasso Visage dans un ovale, 1955 White earthenware clay, engobe ground engraved by knife under glaze black, russet, white
32.5 x 40 cm
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Visage de faune tourmenté by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork
Pablo Picasso Visage de faune tourmenté, 1956 Earthenware clay, engobe decoration, glaze and patina
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Pichet têtes by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork
Pablo Picasso Pichet têtes, 1956 White earthenware, decoration with oxidized paraffin, enamel white and black
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Pichet Visage by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork
Pablo Picasso Pichet Visage, 1969 Earthenware clay, decoration in engobes engraved by knife under partial brushed glaze
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Profil de femme no.67 by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork
Pablo Picasso Profil de femme no.67, 1963 White earthenware clay, decoration in engobes under partial brushed glaze, black patina
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Pichet Picador by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork
Pablo Picasso Pichet Picador, 1952 Red earthenware clay, paraffin decoration, black enamel
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Picador by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork
Pablo Picasso Picador, 1952 White earthenware clay, oxidized paraffin decoration, white enamel
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Oiseau au ver by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork
Pablo Picasso Oiseau au ver, 1952 White earthenware clay, oxidized paraffin decoration, white enamel
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Cruche aux oiseaux by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork
Pablo Picasso Cruche aux oiseaux, 1962 White earthenware clay, decoration in engobes under partial nrushed glaze black, white and red patina
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Cruchon Hibou by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork painting
Pablo Picasso Cruchon Hibou, 1955 White clay with blue, black and brown engobe painting, glazed with knife engraving
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Corrida vert by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork
Pablo Picasso Corrida vert, 1949 White earthenware, engobe decoration, knife-engraved under glaze.
30 x 36.5 cm
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Corrida by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork
Pablo Picasso Corrida, 1953 Earthenware clay, oxidized paraffin decoration, enamel bath
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Colombe à la lucarne by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork
Pablo Picasso Colombe à la lucarne, 1949 Earthenware clay, decoration in engobes, knife engraved under partial brushed glaze
31.7 x 38.5 cm
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Bouquet à la pomme by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork
Pablo Picasso Bouquet à la pomme, 22.01.1956 White earthenware clay, decoration accentuated with oxidized paraffin, oxides under glaze
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Visage by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork
Pablo Picasso Visage, 1956 Hexagonal terracotta tomette, decorated with dark burgundy enamel on pinkish beige
17 x 16.5 x 1.7 cm
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Visage, tête by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork
Pablo Picasso Visage, tête, circa 1956 Hexagonal terracotta terracotta pinkish beige, glazed lines and border
14.7 x 16.6 cm
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Pêcheur by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork works on paper, sculpture
Pablo Picasso Pêcheur, 1955 White earthenware decorated with partially enamelled oxidized paraffin, metallic enamel reverse
18 x 18 cm
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Vase au bouquet by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Vase au bouquet, 22 janvier 1956 Ceramic
24.5 x 24.5 cm
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Visage by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Visage, 1956 Painted and partially glazed ceramic ; tomette (floor tile)
17.3 x 15 cm
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Faune aux marottes by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Faune aux marottes, 1956 Earthenware, decoration with engobes and metallic oxides
15.1 x 15.1 cm
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Buste de faune by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Buste de faune Partially glazed terracotta
18.5 x 9.3 cm
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Yan visage by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Yan visage, 1963 Red earthenware clay, engobe decoration, black
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Tête faune by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Tête faune Painted terracotta oval plate
18 x 22.5 cm
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Petit faune by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Petit faune, 1957 Partially glazed terracotta
15.3 x 17 cm
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Oiseau sur la branche by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Oiseau sur la branche, 1952 White earthenware clay, oxidised paraffin decoration, and white enamel
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Visage no.30 by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork works on paper, sculpture
Pablo Picasso Visage no.30 White earthenware clay, decoration in engobes, and enamel under partial brushed glaze

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Oiseau by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork works on paper, sculpture
Pablo Picasso Oiseau, 31.03.1955 White earthenware clay, engraving accentuated with oxidised paraffin, glaze bath, and black enamel underside
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Visage dans étoiles by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Visage dans étoiles, 1947 White earthenware, scratched, and polychrome engobe painting
32 x 38.8 cm
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Poisson bleu by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Poisson bleu, 1953 White earthenware, decoration with engobes under partial
39 x 32 cm
Bailly Gallery
Paysage by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Paysage, 1953 White earthenware clay, decoration in engobes, knife engraved under partial brushed glaze

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Toros by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork works on paper, sculpture
Pablo Picasso Toros, 29.07.1952 White earthenware clay, decoration in engobes and oxidized paraffin, white enamel
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Visage no.197 by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork works on paper, sculpture
Pablo Picasso Visage no.197, 1963 White earthenware clay, engobe and enamel decoration under glaze

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Visage noir by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Visage noir, 1948 White earthenware clay, decoration in engobes, knife engraved under glaze

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Pichet têtes by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Pichet têtes, 1956 White earthenware clay, oxidized paraffin decoration, white enamel
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Chope Visage by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Chope Visage, 1959 Earthenware clay, decoration in engobes, glaze inside
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Visage de femme by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Visage de femme, 1955 White earthenware ceramic plate with glaze and black engobe, partially engraved
38.8 x 32 cm
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Vallauris by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Vallauris, 1953 White earthenware, engraving underlined with brown, green oxidized paraffin under white enamel
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Pichet tête carrée by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Pichet tête carrée, 1953 White earthenware clay, oxidized paraffin decoration, white enamel
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Picador by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Picador, 1953 White earthenware clay, partly polychromed and glazed

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Picador by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Picador, 1955 White earthenware clay, decoration in engobes and paraffin, white enamel
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Mains au Poisson by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Mains au Poisson, 1953 Earthenware clay, deep engraving painted in engobes

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Joueur de flûte et chèvre by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Joueur de flûte et chèvre, 1956 White earthenware clay, engraving accentuated with oxidized paraffin, brown
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Ebauche de visage et inscriptions by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Ebauche de visage et inscriptions Painted and partially glazed ceramic
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Deux poissons by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Deux poissons Painted and partially glazed ceramic
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Deux oiseaux by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Deux oiseaux, 1963 White earthenware and slip decoration under partial glaze with black patina brush, white and black decoration

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Combat de centaure et géant by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Combat de centaure et géant, 1947 Earthenware plate, painted in colours and partially glazed
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Taureau et toreador by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Taureau et toreador, 1957 Painted and partially glazed ceramic, hexagonal tomette tile
15 x 17 cm
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Picador et taureau by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Picador et taureau, 1953 White earthenware with oxidized paraffin decoration and white and black enamel.
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Visage by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Visage, 1955 White earthenware clay, decoration in engobes under glaze
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Tête de faune by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Tête de faune, 1961 Painted and glazed terracotta tile
15 x 15 cm
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Yan petites têtes by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Yan petites têtes, 1963 Red earthenware clay, engobe decoration engraved by knife

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Visage Solaire by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Visage Solaire, 1956 Painted and partially glazed ceramic
20.4 x 20.4 cm
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Visage no. 130 by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork works on paper, sculpture
Pablo Picasso Visage no. 130, 1963 White earthenware clay, decoration in engobes and enamel under glaze

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Tête de faune by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Tête de faune, 1956 Painted and glazed terracotta tile
21.5 x 21.5 cm
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Visage no.111 by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork works on paper
Pablo Picasso Visage no.111, 1963 Decor with engobes and enamel under cover black, green, blue, and red decor

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Têtes de taureau, Motif de décoration (au verso) by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Têtes de taureau, Motif de décoration (au verso), 1957 Red terracotta, painted, partially glazed
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Visage no.72 by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Visage no.72, 1963 Ceramic of Madoura

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Visage by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Visage, 1957 Painted and partially glazed ceramic ; tomette
16.9 x 15.2 cm
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Visage aux cheveux bouclés by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Visage aux cheveux bouclés, 1968 Red earthenware clay, engobe ground, engraving enhanced with oxides under partial brushed glaze, black patina
31.4 x 31.5 cm
Bailly Gallery
Visage noir by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Visage noir, 1948 White earthenware clay, decoration in engobes, knife engraved under glaze
24 x 24 cm
Bailly Gallery
Le Seigneur et la dame by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork print
Pablo Picasso Le Seigneur et la dame, 1959 Original Lithograph
32.8 x 26 cm
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Le Vieux Roi (The Old King) (s.8370)Seigneur et deux filles by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork print
Pablo Picasso Le Vieux Roi (The Old King) (s.8370) Seigneur et deux filles, 1959 Original Lithograph on Arches light paper with Mourlot watermark.
76.5 x 56 cm
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Paysage by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork
Pablo Picasso Paysage, 1953 White earthenware clay, decoration in engobes, knife engraved, under glaze
31.5 x 38 cm
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Pichet têtes by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork
Pablo Picasso Pichet têtes, 1956 White earthenware clay, oxidized paraffin decoration, white enamel
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Nature morte à la pomme by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork
Pablo Picasso Nature morte à la pomme Painted and partially glazed ceramic
34 x 34 cm
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Nature morte au couvert et à la pomme by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork
Pablo Picasso Nature morte au couvert et à la pomme Painted and glazed ceramic
33.3 x 33.3 cm
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Masque rieur by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork
Pablo Picasso Masque rieur, 1968 Red earthenware clay, engobe ground, engraving enhanced with oxides under partial brushed glaze
16.5 x 16.5 cm
Bailly Gallery
Visage no.202 by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Visage no.202, 1963 White earthenware clay, decoration in engobes and enamel under glaze
25 x 25 cm
Bailly Gallery
Deux oiseaux by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Deux oiseaux, 1963 White earthenware and slip decoration under partial glaze with black patina brush, white and black decoration
25.5 x 25.5 cm
Bailly Gallery
Jean Ramié, Maréchal des Logis de Réserve by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Jean Ramié, Maréchal des Logis de Réserve, 1955 Earthenware, painted and glazed
21.1 x 5.9 cm
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Tête de faune by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Tête de faune, c. 1968 Painted and partially glazed ceramic, square tile
15.2 x 15.2 cm
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Tête de lion by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Tête de lion, 1968–1969 Red ceramic painted in black, decorated with engobes
31 x 31 cm
Bailly Gallery
Tête solaire II by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Tête solaire II, 1956 Large white earthenware tile, green stripes on white enamel on a mat grey background
20.5 x 20.5 cm
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Visage en forme d'Horloge by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Visage en forme d'Horloge, c. 1956–1967 Silver plate with the original wooden box
42 x 42 cm
Bailly Gallery
Mask by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Mask, 1956 White clay, decoration in engobes and oxidised paraffin, partial brushed glaze
20 x 20 cm
Bailly Gallery Request Price & Availability
Joueur de flûte by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Joueur de flûte, 1951 Earthenware clay covered with enamel
24.5 x 24.5 cm
Bailly Gallery Request Price & Availability
Bouquet à la pomme by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Bouquet à la pomme, 1956 Earthenware clay, decoration accentuated with oxidised paraffin, oxides under glaze

Bailly Gallery
Tête de faune avec tests de lustre rose by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Tête de faune avec tests de lustre rose Painted and partially glazed ceramic
21.6 x 21.6 cm
Bailly Gallery Request Price & Availability
Esquisse de tête de faune by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Esquisse de tête de faune, 1948 Painted and partially glazed ceramic
38.4 x 38.4 cm
Bailly Gallery Request Price & Availability
Profil de Jacqueline by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Profil de Jacqueline, 1956 White earthenware clay
41.5 x 41.5 cm
Bailly Gallery Request Price & Availability
Joueur de flûte by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork works on paper, sculpture
Pablo Picasso Joueur de flûte, 1951 White earthenware clay, decoration in oxides on white enamel
25 x 25 cm
Bailly Gallery
Visage dans un ovale by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Visage dans un ovale, 1955 White earthenware proof, decoration with engobes and oxides under glaze; blue, green, black
40 x 32.5 cm
Bailly Gallery
Femme du barbu by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Femme du barbu, 1953 White earthenware clay, decoration in engobes, knife engraved under partial brushed glaze, beige, black, green and grey patina
27.5 x 20.5 cm
Bailly Gallery
Pichet Poule by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Pichet Poule, 1954 Shaped piece turned in white faience earth with blue oxide decoration on white enamel
13.5 x 17 x 10 cm
Bailly Gallery Request Price & Availability
Musicien et danseur by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Musicien et danseur, 1957 Painted and partially glazed ceramic
Bailly Gallery Request Price & Availability
Petit masque central by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Petit masque central, 1963 Painted and partially glazed ceramic
Bailly Gallery Request Price & Availability
Visage au nez noir by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Visage au nez noir, 1969 White earthenware clay, decoration in engobes engraved by knife under partial brushed glaze, grey patina

Bailly Gallery
Tête de faune by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork
Pablo Picasso Tête de faune, 1961 Red terracotta tile, painted and glazed white
15 x 15 cm
Bailly Gallery Request Price & Availability
Taureau by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Taureau, circa 1952 Round ashtray turned in white earthenware, oxidized paraffin decor, white and black enamel
Bailly Gallery Contact Gallery
Scène de tauromachie by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Scène de tauromachie, 1957 Red earthenware clay, engobe decoration, knife engraved
Bailly Gallery Request Price & Availability
La danse des faunes by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork painting, print
Pablo Picasso La danse des faunes, 1957 Lithograph on Arches paper
41.2 x 53 cm
Dellasposa Gallery Request Price & Availability
Autoportrait avec deux femmes by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork print
Pablo Picasso Autoportrait avec deux femmes, 1972 Etching
50 x 65.5 cm
Galerie Lelong & Co. Paris
Deux personnages dans un intérieur (page from) Carnet 1046 by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork works on paper, drawing
Pablo Picasso Deux personnages dans un intérieur (page from) Carnet 1046, 1956 Black ink, black chalk, blue and red pencil and grease pencil. 14 leaves (8 detached) of woven paper, spiral-bound.
42 x 33 cm
Pace Gallery Request Price & Availability
Visage by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork works on paper, drawing
Pablo Picasso Visage, 1913 Black crayon on vellum paper
27.5 x 21.3 cm
Pace Gallery Request Price & Availability
Standing nudes (page from) CARNET 1101 by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork painting, works on paper, drawing
Pablo Picasso Standing nudes (page from) CARNET 1101, 1907 Black ink, brown ink, graphite pencil and gouache. 8 sheets of woven paper (3 detached), bound with staples.
22.4 x 17.4 cm
Pace Gallery Request Price & Availability
CARNET 1133 by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork works on paper, drawing
Pablo Picasso CARNET 1133, 1956 Graphite pencil, Chinese ink and gouache. 22 spiral-bound sheets of woven paper.
42 x 33.5 x 1.8 cm
Pace Gallery Request Price & Availability
Casagemas mort (The Dead Casagemas) by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork painting
Pablo Picasso Casagemas mort (The Dead Casagemas), 1901 Oil on cardboard
52.1 x 34 cm
Pace Gallery
Visage triste (Head and Shoulders of a Woman) by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork works on paper, drawing
Pablo Picasso Visage triste (Head and Shoulders of a Woman), 1907 Charcoal on paper
62.5 x 47.9 cm
Pace Gallery
Femme debout (Standing Woman) by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork works on paper, drawing
Pablo Picasso Femme debout (Standing Woman), 1912 Indian ink and graphite on paper
30.5 x 19.4 cm
Pace Gallery
Couple au bord de la mer (Couple on the Beach) by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork painting
Pablo Picasso Couple au bord de la mer (Couple on the Beach), 1928 Oil on canvas
40.6 x 21.6 cm
Pace Gallery
Tête de femme (Head of a Woman) by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork painting
Pablo Picasso Tête de femme (Head of a Woman), 1946 Oil on canvas
92.1 x 73 cm
Pace Gallery
Poire coupée et pipe (Sliced Pear and Pipe) by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork works on paper, drawing, mixed media
Pablo Picasso Poire coupée et pipe (Sliced Pear and Pipe), 1914 Assemblage of two pieces with a nail: graphite on laid hand-made paper and varnished oil highlighted with graphite on wove paper
13 x 12.4 cm
Pace Gallery
Le verre d'absinthe (Glass of Absinthe) by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Le verre d'absinthe (Glass of Absinthe), 1914 Painted bronze and silver-plated spoon
21 x 14 x 7 cm
Pace Gallery
Bikini vase by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork sculpture
Pablo Picasso Bikini vase, 1961 Red earthenware, moulded, modelled, incised, painted with slip
66 x 33.7 x 31.4 cm
Pace Gallery
Couple with Cup by Pablo Picasso contemporary artwork painting
Pablo Picasso Couple with Cup, 1969 Oil on canvas
128.6 x 194.9 cm
Pace Gallery
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