Peter Mathis Artworks

Leontopodium alpinum #3 (Edelweiß #3) by Peter Mathis contemporary artwork photography
Peter Mathis Leontopodium alpinum #3 (Edelweiß #3), 2019 Pigment print, solid natural oak varnished with hard oil archival cardboard, anti-reflective glass
80 x 60 cm
Galerie Albrecht Contact Gallery
Alpstein #6 by Peter Mathis contemporary artwork photography
Peter Mathis Alpstein #6, 2020 Pigment print, solid natural oak varnished with hard oil Passepartout, anti-reflective glass
100 x 135 cm
Galerie Albrecht Contact Gallery
Festúca alpína (Alpenschwingel) by Peter Mathis contemporary artwork photography, print
Peter Mathis Festúca alpína (Alpenschwingel), 2023 Pigment print, solid natural oak varnished with hard oil archival cardboard, anti-reflective glass
32 x 22 cm
Galerie Albrecht Contact Gallery
Helictotríchon versícolor (Bunter Wiesenhafer) by Peter Mathis contemporary artwork photography, print
Peter Mathis Helictotríchon versícolor (Bunter Wiesenhafer), 2023 Pigment print, solid natural oak varnished with hard oil archival cardboard, anti-reflective glass
32 x 22 cm
Galerie Albrecht Contact Gallery
Bríza média (Gemeines Zittergras) by Peter Mathis contemporary artwork photography, print
Peter Mathis Bríza média (Gemeines Zittergras), 2023 Pigment print, solid natural oak varnished with hard oil archival cardboard, anti-reflective glass
32 x 22 cm
Galerie Albrecht Contact Gallery
Cólchicum autumnále (Herbstzeitlose) by Peter Mathis contemporary artwork photography
Peter Mathis Cólchicum autumnále (Herbstzeitlose), 2023 Pigment print, solid natural oak varnished with hard oil Archival cardboard, anti-reflective glass
32 x 22 cm
Galerie Albrecht Contact Gallery
Gentiána clúsii #2 (Enzian #2) by Peter Mathis contemporary artwork photography
Peter Mathis Gentiána clúsii #2 (Enzian #2), 2023 Pigment print, solid natural oak varnished with hard oil archival cardboard, anti-reflective glass
32 x 22 cm
Galerie Albrecht Contact Gallery
Pulsatilla vulgáris (Gemeine Küchenschelle) by Peter Mathis contemporary artwork print
Peter Mathis Pulsatilla vulgáris (Gemeine Küchenschelle), 2023 Pigment print, solid natural oak varnished with hard oil archival cardboard, anti-reflective glass
32 x 22 cm
Galerie Albrecht Contact Gallery
Erióphorum angustifólium (Schmalblättriges Wollgras) by Peter Mathis contemporary artwork photography, print
Peter Mathis Erióphorum angustifólium (Schmalblättriges Wollgras), 2023 Pigment print, solid natural oak varnished with hard oil archival cardboard, anti-reflective glass
32 x 22 cm
Galerie Albrecht Contact Gallery
Monte Garone by Peter Mathis contemporary artwork photography, print
Peter Mathis Monte Garone, 2017 Pigment print, solid natural oak varnished with hard oil archival cardboard, anti-reflective glass
100 x 100 cm
Galerie Albrecht Contact Gallery
Heliánthemum nummulárium (Gemeines Sonnenröschen) by Peter Mathis contemporary artwork photography, print
Peter Mathis Heliánthemum nummulárium (Gemeines Sonnenröschen), 2023 Pigment print, solid natural oak varnished with hard oil archival cardboard, anti-reflective glass
32 x 22 cm
Galerie Albrecht Contact Gallery
Aquilégia vulgáris (Alpen-Akelei) by Peter Mathis contemporary artwork photography
Peter Mathis Aquilégia vulgáris (Alpen-Akelei), 2023 Pigment print, solid natural oak varnished with hard oil archival cardboard, anti-reflective glass
32 x 22 cm
Galerie Albrecht Contact Gallery
Sanguisórba officinális (Großer Wiesenknopf) by Peter Mathis contemporary artwork photography, print
Peter Mathis Sanguisórba officinális (Großer Wiesenknopf), 2023 Pigment print, solid natural oak varnished with hard oil archival cardboard, anti-reflective glass
140 x 80 cm
Galerie Albrecht Contact Gallery
Carlína acaúlis (Silberdistel) by Peter Mathis contemporary artwork photography
Peter Mathis Carlína acaúlis (Silberdistel), 2023 Pigment print, solid natural oak varnished with hard oil archival cardboard, anti-reflective glass
80 x 60 cm
Galerie Albrecht Contact Gallery
Silene diodica (Rote Waldnelke) by Peter Mathis contemporary artwork photography, print
Peter Mathis Silene diodica (Rote Waldnelke), 2023 Pigment print, solid natural oak varnished with hard oil archival cardboard, anti-reflective glass
80 x 60 cm
Galerie Albrecht Contact Gallery
Lílium mártagon (Türkenbund) by Peter Mathis contemporary artwork photography, print
Peter Mathis Lílium mártagon (Türkenbund), 2021 Pigment print, solid natural oak varnished with hard oil archival cardboard, anti-reflective glass
80 x 60 cm
Galerie Albrecht Contact Gallery
Círsium vulgáre (Wollkopf-Kratzdistel) by Peter Mathis contemporary artwork photography, print
Peter Mathis Círsium vulgáre (Wollkopf-Kratzdistel), 2023 Pigment print, solid natural oak varnished with hard oil archival cardboard, anti-reflective glass
32 x 22 cm
Galerie Albrecht Contact Gallery
Matterhorn #2 by Peter Mathis contemporary artwork photography
Peter Mathis Matterhorn #2, 2013 Pigment print, solid natural oak varnished with hard oil archival cardboard, anti-reflective glass
50 x 50 cm
Galerie Albrecht Contact Gallery
Pulsatilla alpina (Weiße Alpen Anemone) by Peter Mathis contemporary artwork photography
Peter Mathis Pulsatilla alpina (Weiße Alpen Anemone), 2023 Pigment print, solid natural oak varnished with hard oil archival cardboard, anti-reflective glass
140 x 80 cm
Galerie Albrecht Contact Gallery
Cárduus deflorátus #1 (Bergdistel #1) by Peter Mathis contemporary artwork photography, print
Peter Mathis Cárduus deflorátus #1 (Bergdistel #1), 2023 Pigment print, solid natural oak varnished with hard oil archival cardboard, anti-reflective glass
32 x 22 cm
Galerie Albrecht Contact Gallery
Plantágo média (Spitzwegerich) by Peter Mathis contemporary artwork photography, print
Peter Mathis Plantágo média (Spitzwegerich), 2023 Pigment print, solid natural oak varnished with hard oil archival cardboard, anti-reflective glass
32 x 22 cm
Galerie Albrecht Contact Gallery
Cárduus deflorátus #2 (Bergdistel #2) by Peter Mathis contemporary artwork photography, print
Peter Mathis Cárduus deflorátus #2 (Bergdistel #2), 2023 Pigment print, solid natural oak varnished with hard oil archival cardboard, anti-reflective glass
32 x 22 cm
Galerie Albrecht Contact Gallery
Cadini di San Lucano by Peter Mathis contemporary artwork photography, print
Peter Mathis Cadini di San Lucano, 2017 Pigment print, solid natural oak varnished with hard oil, Passepartout, anti-reflective glass
52 x 70 cm
Galerie Albrecht Contact Gallery
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