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Tristan Bera

Tristan Bera (he/him) is an author, researcher, and cultural voyeur whose solo, collaborative, and conversational practice includes critical and fictional writing, curating, and filmmaking.

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His papers, published in magazines (Artpress, The Art Newspaper) and exhibition catalogues (Centre Pompidou-Metz, MAM Rio, Bourse de Commerce—Pinault Collection), are concerned with knowledge transfers across literature, art criticism, and experimental philosophy. They blend socio-political reflection, stream of consciousness, postcolonial topics, and pop culture.

In 2024, Bera was selected as writer-in-residence at Salzburger Kunstverein. He was awarded, together with Stefan Kalmár, a curatorial fellowship with The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, for an exhibition dedicated to the influence of independent press Semiotext(e).

He is currently working on a book about 'magnificent obsessions', whose research started at the Walter Benjamin Archive with the support of Onassis Foundation.

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