The exhibition title, Painting on the Canvas of Painting is an implication of the artist Choi Soo-ryeon's method of drawing. The artist, who drew traditional and classical images of Northeast Asia in the form of paintings, explores classical ghost stories, oriental painting theory, and prophecies from ancient texts. The ongoing series 'Transcribing for the Korean Generation' features works that include Chinese texts from the artist's collection, with added pronunciation and Korean translations. For this exhibition, the artist mainly created works using pages from 'The Tao of Painting' (1956, written by Mai Mai Sze), which offers detailed explanations of drawing techniques for flowers, trees, stones, people, and objects in Oriental painting, as the background and subtext of the paintings.
Although Choi Soo-ryeon's drawings feel familiar, like looking at handwritten notes from school days, they also contain indefinable, alien, and ambivalent elements. Reading the artist's drawings and writings evokes a feeling of "'funnily scary.' The repeated phrase "death, death" that appears throughout the drawings can be both humorous, like a lame joke, and disheartening and bitter, reminding us of life's impermanence. The old Chinese texts coexist with both the solemnity and humour of 'Gungsuh,' as well as the dualistic attitude toward 'Eastern' culture.
Meanwhile, it seems that the artist Choi Soo-ryeon is grappling with questions about painting. From the series inspired by the English translation of his solo exhibition Pictures for Use and Pleasure held at Incheon Art Platform in 2020, to The Tao of Painting' and the exhibition title Painting on the Canvas of Painting, the artist seems to be unable to express his serious conviction about what constitutes a 'good painting.' Perhaps the confession of his earnest heart can only be expressed through repetition of the homonym, Painting on the Canvas of Painting, just as the meaning of the Chinese characters for 'painting' (會畵) is repeated.
Press release courtesy Gallery Chosun.
BF1, 2F
64, Buckchon-ro 5-gil
Seoul, 03053
South Korea
+82 2 723 7133
Tuesday – Sunday
10:30am – 6:30pm