A group exhibition of cross-generational artists, 'Accordion Fields' presents a series of paintings across both of Lisson Gallery’s London spaces. Highlighting London’s reputation as a city where artistic talent is cultivated, all artists in the exhibition began their career in the city after attending one of London’s arts schools. Through a variety of painterly practices, the presentation explores these artists’ unique approaches to depicting space or a place. In some cases, imagery is compressed towards the surface of the picture plane; elsewhere figures and forms are untethered in disorientating expanses, with undefined borders. Via a range of techniques and media, space is at times folded, tilted and layered, so that depth perception is confused or deferred. These compositions subsequently appear to be 'out of time' – unmoored to either our recognisable present or else focused on specific or historical moments that are both telescoped and concertinaed into the condensed time of a painting.
Press release courtesy Lisson Gallery.
67 Lisson Street
London, NW1 5DA
United Kingdom
+ 44 207 724 2739
+ 44 207 724 7124 (Fax)
Tuesday – Saturday
11am – 6pm