b. 1995, South Korea

LEE EUN Artworks

Fuck! by LEE EUN contemporary artwork painting
LEE EUN Fuck!, 2021 Oil on canvas
112.1 x 112.1 cm
Gallery Chosun
yes, that smile by LEE EUN contemporary artwork painting
LEE EUN yes, that smile, 2021 Oil, conte on canvas
80.3 x 116.8 cm
Gallery Chosun
Chu by LEE EUN contemporary artwork painting
LEE EUN Chu, 2021 Oil, conte on canvas
162 x 189.5 cm
Gallery Chosun
Racks racks by LEE EUN contemporary artwork painting, drawing
LEE EUN Racks racks, 2021 Oil, conte on linen
145.5 x 112.1 cm
Gallery Chosun
Ah puh by LEE EUN contemporary artwork painting, works on paper
LEE EUN Ah puh, 2021 Oil on canvas
112.1 x 162.2 cm
Gallery Chosun Request Price & Availability
Argh by LEE EUN contemporary artwork painting, works on paper
LEE EUN Argh, 2021 Oil on canvas
45.5 x 33.4 cm
Gallery Chosun Request Price & Availability
At the first glance by LEE EUN contemporary artwork painting, drawing
LEE EUN At the first glance, 2021 Oil, conte on canvas
21.2 x 34.8 cm
Gallery Chosun
Fizz by LEE EUN contemporary artwork painting
LEE EUN Fizz, 2021 Oil on canvas
40.9 x 53 cm
Gallery Chosun
ggggg.. by LEE EUN contemporary artwork painting, drawing
LEE EUN ggggg.., 2021 Oil, conte on canvas
80.3 x 116.8 cm
Gallery Chosun
Good Morning by LEE EUN contemporary artwork painting
LEE EUN Good Morning, 2021 Oil on cotton
112.1 x 145.5 cm
Gallery Chosun Request Price & Availability
In love 1 by LEE EUN contemporary artwork works on paper, drawing
LEE EUN In love 1, 2021 Conte, pastel on canvas
90.9 x 65.1 cm
Gallery Chosun
n love 2 by LEE EUN contemporary artwork drawing
LEE EUN n love 2, 2021 Conte, pastel on canvas
90.9 x 65.1 cm
Gallery Chosun
Lightsabering by LEE EUN contemporary artwork painting
LEE EUN Lightsabering, 2021 Acrylic , oil on canvas
80.3 x 116.8 cm
Gallery Chosun
Manekineko by LEE EUN contemporary artwork painting
LEE EUN Manekineko, 2021 Acrylic, oil on canvas
40.9 x 53 cm
Gallery Chosun
Nhhmm- by LEE EUN contemporary artwork painting
LEE EUN Nhhmm-, 2021 Oil on canvas
112.1 x 145.5 cm
Gallery Chosun
Nightmare by LEE EUN contemporary artwork painting
LEE EUN Nightmare, 2021 Acrylic, oil, conte on cotton
112.1 x 145.5 cm
Gallery Chosun
One Man Show by LEE EUN contemporary artwork painting
LEE EUN One Man Show, 2021 Oil on canvas
80.3 x 116.8 cm
Gallery Chosun
Ouch! by LEE EUN contemporary artwork painting
LEE EUN Ouch!, 2021 Oil on cotton
91 x 116.8 cm
Gallery Chosun
Punch Game by LEE EUN contemporary artwork painting
LEE EUN Punch Game, 2021 Oil on cotton
91 x 116.8 cm
Gallery Chosun
Yawning by LEE EUN contemporary artwork painting
LEE EUN Yawning, 2021 Oil, conte on canvas
80.3 x 116.8 cm
Gallery Chosun
You need a hug by LEE EUN contemporary artwork painting
LEE EUN You need a hug, 2021 Oil on cotton
112.1 x 145.5 cm
Gallery Chosun Request Price & Availability
Hissss by LEE EUN contemporary artwork sculpture, drawing
LEE EUN Hissss, 2021 conte on cotton
40.9 x 53 cm
Gallery Chosun
Slurrp by LEE EUN contemporary artwork painting, works on paper
LEE EUN Slurrp, 2021 oil on canvas
145.5 x 112.1 cm
Gallery Chosun
Shaky shaky 2 by LEE EUN contemporary artwork painting, works on paper
LEE EUN Shaky shaky 2, 2021 oil on canvas
53 x 72.7 cm
Gallery Chosun
zzz by LEE EUN contemporary artwork painting, works on paper
LEE EUN zzz, 2021 oil on canvas
45.5 x 60.6 cm
Gallery Chosun
I'm on fire by LEE EUN contemporary artwork painting, works on paper
LEE EUN I'm on fire, 2021 oil on canvas
45.5 x 60 cm
Gallery Chosun
Pawing, oil on canvas by LEE EUN contemporary artwork painting, works on paper
LEE EUN Pawing, oil on canvas, 2021 oil on canvas
162.2 x 130.3 cm
Gallery Chosun
Greeting bird 2 by LEE EUN contemporary artwork painting, works on paper
LEE EUN Greeting bird 2, 2021 oil on canvas
72.7 x 60.6 cm
Gallery Chosun
Greeting bird 1 by LEE EUN contemporary artwork painting, works on paper
LEE EUN Greeting bird 1, 2021 oil on canvas
72.7 x 60.6 cm
Gallery Chosun
Gulp-gulp by LEE EUN contemporary artwork painting, works on paper
LEE EUN Gulp-gulp, 2021 oil on canvas
60.6 x 72 cm
Gallery Chosun
Dog by LEE EUN contemporary artwork painting, works on paper
LEE EUN Dog, 2021 oil on canvas
72.7 x 60.6 cm
Gallery Chosun
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