Working primarily with painting, Seung wan Ha extracts the narrative structure of stories collected in various ways, reconstructs events, reproduces images, and seeks discourse with contemporary narratives. The collected stories encompass a vast range of narratives, including myths, tales, and biblical content. Ha incorporates these narratives as a foundation and then adds stages of appropriation, expansion, and transformation. The artist constructs visual compositions that can be read through various temporal images, and the narrative revealed through these compositions ultimately combine with contemporary social contexts and other virtual/imaginary narratives, inviting viewers to interpret them from multiple perspectives.
Read MoreThe narratives depicted in the created images are fictional and constructed. However, by removing or reconstructing the subjects of actual events, the artist emphasizes the essence underlying the narrative of events and aims to engage with the audience.
Major exhibitions include the solo exhibitions Poem of barbarism (Gallery Stan, Seoul, 2022), Ruins full of rugs and jewels (DDF, Gwangju, 2021), and Justice Fantasy (Gallery Richae, Gwangju, 2019), and the group exhibition Yes, my road <LORD, LOAD, ROAD> (THEO, Seoul, 2022), ART ACCENT: 2020 ’90’ BACKSTREET (BEXCO, Busan, 2020), and Face to Face with History (Gwangju Museum of Art, Gwangju, 2020).