Within the makeup of Molecular Assembly are two paintings which hold the same title as the exhibition as a whole. These eponymous Molecular Assembly paintings feature the juxtaposition of disparate/unrelated imagery in a seemingly random configuration. This previous sentence can also be applied to this new group of paintings as a whole, and in general to every recent Mark Rodda exhibition. The artist believes that the triangulation between disparate imagery or style can add a more nuanced perspective to the works interpretation.
In regard to the content of his paintings, Mark Rodda encourages a varied interpretation of his work from the viewing audience. The conveyance of a personal philosophy though his painting is not a priority. The artist's main aim is to offer a work that can be both enticing and conceptually vague, thus allowing an engaged viewer to project their personal experience onto the image.
Mark Rodda's figurative works are mostly romantic landscapes influenced primarily by 19th century paintings by artists such as Corot, Delacroix and Bocklin. The abstract draws from modernist abstraction from the early to mid 20th century, Kandinsky in his geometric phase,
Paul Klee, Sonia Delaunay and Stuart Davis.
Press release courtesy Gallery 9.
9 Darley Street
Darlinghurst, NSW
Sydney, 2010
+61 2 9380 9909
Wednesday – Saturday
11am – 5pm
Sunday – Tuesday
By appointment