Intrigued by seemingly mundane and perhaps redundant things, Hildigunnur Birgisdóttir creates art where simple, small details amass great importance. Finding inspiration from objects she has discovered and experienced, Birgisdóttir transforms collected paper-items such as hang tags, labels, notebooks, paperboards and stickers, to precisely formed artworks. Maintaining the intrinsic properties of each object, all parts whether it is the size, the form, the character, the colour or the condition, are equally important. By presenting each item on specially designed stands, Birgisdóttir playfully recontextualising their forms in order to create a humble, poetic dialogue within the exhibition space.
Read MoreHildigunnur Birgisdóttir graduated from the Iceland Academy of the Arts in 2003. Being part of Ragnar Kjartansson and friends, she recently participated in the project at TBA21 in Vienna as well as in the project at PS1, New York. Previously, Birgisdóttir has shown her works at the Art Museum of Reykjvaík, i8 Gallery, Kling and Bang, Hverfisgallerí, among others. She has been granted Artist Endowment from the Icelandic Ministry for Arts and Culture and the Benediktson fellowship grant for special residents at the Banff center Canada. Birgisdóttir has been a board member of the Living Art Museum in Reykjavik and served as the director of Skaftfell Cultural Center.
Text courtesy Anna Bohman Gallery