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Anadol's public profile has only grown since he showed on the Las Vegas Sphere in September.

Refik Anadol Stars in Phillips x Digital Art Fair Auction

Refik Anadol, Bosphorus B: Data Sculpture (2018). AI data painting, 3,840 x 2,160 pixels, 16 min (loop). Courtesy Phillips.

Phillips is partnering with Hong Kong's Digital Art Fair (DAF) on an auction starring Turkish new media artist Refik Anadol. The online auction is open for bidding 6–13 December.

Highlights of the sale include Anadol's AI works 'Bosphorus B': Data Sculpture (2018) and Black Sea: Data Sculpture (2018), which draw on sea-surface data captured by the Turkish State Meteorological Service. Both works have estimates of U.S. $100,000–150,000.

Speaking to Ocula in September, Anadol said he is 'in love with fluid dynamics', in part because he sees 'data as a pigment that is in flow'.

Anadol's profile reached new heights after he showed his creation Machine Hallucinations: Sphere (2023) on the world's largest digital canvas, the Las Vegas Sphere. The digital dome's exterior consists of a 54,000-square-metre LED screen.

'I think this is one of the most Blade Runner moments ever,' he told Fast Company at the time. 'A science fiction moment that, finally, merges media arts and architecture, embedding technology into a physical environment that exists in the real world.'

Other digital artists presenting works in the Digital Art Fair x Phillips online auction include Colorado-based 3D artist David Ariew (aka Octane Jesus) and New York-based generative artist Emily Xie.

Highlights will show on TV screens at Phillips' galleries in the West Kowloon Cultural District for the duration of the auction.

DAF was established in Hong Kong in 2020 as the world's first Web 3.0 Fine Art Fair. Its most recent edition took place 19–23 October this year.

Benjamin Kandler, Phillips' Project Lead for Digital Art, said the partnership with DAF marked 'an important step in the integration of digital art within the global art market.' —[O]

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