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Larry Achiampong and Sin-Wai-Kin are among the nominees for the award, which rewards innovative approaches to filmmaking.

Who Is Nominated for the 2024 Jarman Film Award?

Sin-Wai-Kin, Dreaming the End (2023) (still). © the artist. Commissioned by Fondazione Memmo, Rome. Produced by Mira Productions. Courtesy the artist.

The Jarman Award, named after the radical English filmmaker Derek Jarman, announced its 2024 shortlist. The winner of the £10,000 prize supporting experimental approaches to film since 2008 will be revealed in London in late November.

Presented by Film London and Channel 4 in association with Whitechapel Gallery, the annual award has shortlisted rising artists who later became Turner Prize finalists or winners, including Lawrence Abu Hamdan, Duncan Campbell, and Luke Fowler.

Rosalind Nashashibi, Electrical Gaza (2015) (still). Cinematography by Emma Dalesman.

Rosalind Nashashibi, Electrical Gaza (2015) (still). Cinematography by Emma Dalesman.

The six finalists this year are Larry Achiampong, Maeve Brennan, Melanie Manchot, Rosalind Nashashibi, Sin Wai Kin, and Maryam Tafakory.

Organisers of the award said each stood out for bringing new perspectives to topics ranging from migration to censorship, crime, gender, and family relationships. Ahead of the announcement of the winner in November, the nominees' work will tour cultural institutions across the U.K.

Last year's award went to London-based artist Rehana Zaman whose short film, Everything Worthwhile is Done With Other People (2023), was conceived from workshops and conversations with women of colour affected by the carceral state.

'This year marks the 20th anniversary of Film London,' said Adrian Wootton OBE, Chief Executive of Film London. 'The Film London Jarman Award is central to our support of artist filmmakers, celebrating a spirit of experimentation and imagination.' —[O]

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