Two warnings on the tech companies' pages:Note that after a software update is installed, it cannot be downgraded to the previous version. You can't stop updates entirely.
A tendency for continuous upgrading: The anxiety felt between the risks of updating and the end of support is not far from the mental illness caused by geopolitics; however, writing the current globalisation model as a simple 'Do Not Disconnect' seems to convey the dilemma more intuitively than complex theories.
If we consider this culturally neutral technological governance as a pharmakon, it might temporarily block the identity anxiety under globalisation and reveal another form of domination. For example, considering from the perspective of Updatism: why did the European mosaic architectural finishes introduced to Shanghai in the 19th century become ruins in the urban renewal of the 21st century? Its conclusion is likely – there is no absolute Western centre, only the difference between the success and failure of updates.
In this update-centric world, we can simplify the question. Is globalisation a form of anti-life? After all, if current sustainable development solutions cannot resolve global psychological anxiety, what are these solutions trying to save – life or globalisation itself?
The globalisation machine always abstracts things and sends them afar, creating smooth networks and gaps around the world: but life seems inclined to pause and readjust itself with the surroundings.. This indicates that life has its own method of self-updating and can always re-establish a connection with the world. Amidst these divergent logics of updating lies a potential contradiction that resonates with individuals in this era.
Press release courtesy Magician Space.
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