The formulation of this exhibition owes its stimulus to artists and their compelling forms of practice, initiating a re-thinking about art and its presence in our lives. Watching an artist push the limits of her body and mind to endure pain and perform her seven deaths is a telling image, perhaps of a long drawn struggle to liberate herself from the fear of mortality and the unknown. Deeper truths often lie beyond the realm of reason. Artists hold a mirror to the sensed, felt and partially known worlds.
The self-willed journeys of these artists not only highlight the meticulousness of their craft, depth of their content and enchantment with technology, but more so, their determination, focus and grit to confront the ineffable and indefinable through their practice. With a creative force oscillating between meditation and labour, stillness and action, aimlessness and purpose, they gather themselves to step out of their comfort zone, enter unfamiliar spaces and labyrinths and take us along into the deeper realms of our being. They raise difficult questions that have no easy or definite answers.
The exhibition in the form of a space-maze, takes the viewers through long corridors that lead us into dark spans and illuminated areas, into painted images and artificial hyper realities, immaterial presences and fantastical objects, evoking an impalpable sense of awe, beauty, and mystery in the 'surreality' of time and space.
These encounters open paths for newer understandings.
And we become much more than what we are, in that moment of realization.
Press release courtesy Kiran Nadar Museum of Art.