"Slide / Show" addresses the notable, if short-lived, role of projected photography in the development of Chinese contemporary art in the late twentieth century. Portable and reproducible, the photographic slide steadily became democratized in China in the 1980s and was rapidly adopted by artists and curators as a tool to share their work more broadly and to learn about art produced elsewhere. Often projected in group settings but also viewed and exchanged privately, slides played an important role in the diffusion of ideas and provided inspiration for new forms of art in the brief period before regular access to video technology and computers. This exhibition offers a focused socio-cultural history of an impactful medium, drawing from archival and contemporary sources to elucidate a new art historical genealogy in the post-Mao period. This exhibition is curated by UCCA Curator Holly Roussell.
Press release courtesy UCCA.
798 Art District
No 4 Jiuxianqiao Lu
Chaoyang District
100015, Beijing
+86 10 5780 0200
Tuesday – Sunday
10am – 7pm
Closed Monday