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The 'gallerist in extreme' showed contemporary art giants including Robert Mapplethorpe, Carrie Mae Weems, and Matthew Barney.

Barbara Gladstone, Legendary Art Dealer, Dies Aged 89

© Gladstone Gallery. Photo: Andrea Spotorno.

Legendary gallerist Barbara Gladstone died in Paris on Sunday 16 June.

Born in 1935, Gladstone taught art history at Hofstra University before launching her gallery on New York's 57th street in 1980. Gladstone Gallery now has three spaces in the city along with galleries in Brussels, and Seoul.

There are more than 70 artists and estates on the gallery's roster, including contemporary art giants Anicka Yi, Sarah Lucas, and Matthew Barney.

'Barbara was a visionary leader who had an indelible impact on the artists she worked with, her colleagues at the gallery, her many friends, and the entire art world,' Gladstone partners Gavin Brown, Max Falkenstein, Caroline Luce, and Paula Tsai said in a statement.

'Barbara valued her relationships with artists above all else and remained their advocate up until the end,' the statement continues. 'She championed artists who are breaking new ground with their work and stood with them as they developed their practices, noting that "you have to sense in someone's work the possibility of longevity".'

'Though many of us expected Barbara to live forever, she has been preparing for this day and set her leadership transition plans in motion in 2016, when Max became a co-owner of the gallery. Barbara's four partners will continue in their roles in leading the gallery, with Max spearheading the leadership team, Gavin leading artist relations and development, Caroline overseeing the gallery's operations and HR, and Paula continuing to lead Asia and oversight of gallery communications.'

Gavin Brown joined Gladstone in 2020 after closing his own, much respected, gallery, Gavin Brown's Enterprise.

On Instagram, art critic Jerry Saltz, who was once represented by Gladstone, described her as 'gallerist in extreme'.

'We were friends. Then estranged. Then friends. Had many dinners with her. Then didn't. But absolute respect for her achievements, her life, her will, and her love,' he wrote. —[O]

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