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The mega-gallery will represent Pindell in Europe and Asia, while her long-time gallerist Garth Greenan will continue to do so in the U.S.

Howardena Pindell Joins White Cube

Howardena Pindell, Free, White and 21 (1980) (still). U-matic, colour, and sound. 12 min, 15 sec. © Howardena Pindell. Courtesy of the artist, Garth Greenan Gallery, and White Cube

White Cube announced this week that it now represents American artist Howardena Pindell, whose five-decade-long practice comprises painting, collage, drawing and film.

White Cube will exhibit a new artwork by Pindell, Tesseract #16 (2024), at Art Basel in Switzerland (13–16 June 2024).

Howardena Pindell, Tesseract #1 (2022). Acrylic on canvas. 198.1 x 223.5 cm. © Howardena Pindell.

Howardena Pindell, Tesseract #1 (2022). Acrylic on canvas. 198.1 x 223.5 cm. © Howardena Pindell. Courtesy the artist, Garth Greenan Gallery, and White Cube.

The mega-gallery will represent Pindell in Europe and Asia, while her long-time gallerist Garth Greenan will continue to do so in the U.S.

The two galleries are set to mount related solo shows for the Philadelphia-born artist and curator in November—she will show at Garth Greenan in New York and at White Cube in Hong Kong, her first solo show in Asia at 81 years old.

Howardena Pindell, Separate but Equal Genocide: AIDS (1991–1992). Mixed media on canvas. 191.8 x 231.1 cm. © Howardena Pindell.

Howardena Pindell, Separate but Equal Genocide: AIDS (1991–1992). Mixed media on canvas. 191.8 x 231.1 cm. © Howardena Pindell. Courtesy the artist, Garth Greenan Gallery, and White Cube.

'Pindell's rejection and resistance against stereotyping and labels feed into a life's work committed to dismantling constructions of "the Black artist" and institutional othering,' wrote Jareh Das in Ocula in 2022.

Last week, one of Pindell's seminal spray paintings (made in 1971) sold at Sotheby's for U.S. $1.39 million, well above the high estimate.

Her abstract paintings will receive further attention in a major New York museum show pegged for 2026. —[O]

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