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Six artists have received bumps from bigger names including Glenn Ligon, Yinka Shonibare, and Lubaina Himid. The fair will also feature a new ceramics showcase called 'Smoke'.

Who’s Showing in Frieze London’s Artist-to-Artist Section?

Nengi Omuku, Chasing shadows (2023). Oil on sanyan. 125 x 213cm. Courtesy the artist and Pippy Houldsworth Gallery, London. © Nengi Omuku. Photo: Todd-White Art Photography.

Frieze has announced details of its next London fair, which takes place in Regent's Park from 9 to 13 October.

The Artist-to-Artist section, which debuted last year, will return in 2024. This time, six leading contemporary artists have selected favourite artists to feature in solo presentations.

Algerian-French artist Zineb Sedira suggested Massinissa Selmani, who studied computer science in Algeria and has since gone on to receive a special mention at the Venice Biennale in 2015 and a nomination for France's Marcel Duchamp Prize in 2023.

Rob Davis, Quilt 3 (2024). Oil on linen. 48 x 40.25 inches.

Rob Davis, Quilt 3 (2024). Oil on linen. 48 x 40.25 inches. Courtesy the artist and Broadway, New York.

Glenn Ligon put forward London-based artist Appau Jnr Boakye-Yiadom, while Rashid Johnson nominated Rob Davis, who paints nostalgic scenes in a hyperreal style.

Yinka Shonibare proposed Nigerian painter Nengi Omuku, whose dappled canvases are influenced by her training as a horticulturalist and florist.

Cologne-based Nigerian painter Peter Uka backed Jamaican-British painter Hurvin Anderson.

And Lubaina Himid recommended Polish-born U.K.-based artist Magda Stawarska, with whom she has collaborated on sound installations since 2021.

Ayla Tavares, Una forma siempre Húmeda (2022). Ceramics, clay, and sponge. 61 x 38 x 37cm.

Ayla Tavares, Una forma siempre Húmeda (2022). Ceramics, clay, and sponge. 61 x 38 x 37cm. Courtesy the artist, Galeria Athena, and HATCH Gallery. Photo: Rafael Estefania, Lucia Berrón Almeida.

Frieze will also introduce a new section called at this year's fair.

Organised by the Hammer Museum's Pablo José Ramírez, Smoke will feature ceramics that 'explore diasporic and indigenous histories'. The title derives from Guatemalan poet Humberto Ak'abal's story 'El Animal Humo' (the Smoke Animal), which suggests the magic and metamorphosis of firing ceramics.

Artists featuring in the inaugural edition of Smoke include Manuel Chavajay, Noé Martínez, Lucía Pizzani, Christine Howard Sandoval, Ayla Tavares, and Linda Vallejo.

This week, Frieze also announced Goen Choi as the winner of the 2024 Frieze Seoul Artist Award. Choi will present sculptures made with exhaust pipes and air-conditioning units at Frieze Seoul from 4 to 7 September 2024. —[O]

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