Patricia Piccinini’s Sci-fi Sculptures at Tai Kwun

31 May 2023
Patricia Piccinini’s Sci-fi Sculptures at Tai Kwun 1
Patricia Piccinini, Celestial Field (2021). Multiple plastic objects, false floor, suspended ceiling grid, multichannel audio. Dimensions variable. Exhibition view: Patricia Piccinini, HOPE, Tai Kwun Contemporary, Hong Kong. (24 May–3 September 2023). Courtesy the artist and Tai Kwun Contemporary, Hong Kong. Photo: South Ho.
Patricia Piccinini’s Sci-fi Sculptures at Tai Kwun 2
Patricia Piccinini, Strand (2023). Synthetic hair, plastic, stainless steel, mechanism. 60 x 60 cm. Exhibition view: Patricia Piccinini, HOPE, Tai Kwun Contemporary, Hong Kong. (24 May–3 September 2023). Courtesy the artist and Tai Kwun Contemporary, Hong Kong. Photo: South Ho.
Patricia Piccinini’s Sci-fi Sculptures at Tai Kwun 3
Patricia Piccinini, Kindred (2018). Silicone, fibreglass, hair. 103 x 95 x 128 cm. Exhibition view: Patricia Piccinini, HOPE, Tai Kwun Contemporary, Hong Kong. (24 May–3 September 2023). Courtesy the artist and Tai Kwun Contemporary, Hong Kong. Photo: South Ho.
Patricia Piccinini’s Sci-fi Sculptures at Tai Kwun 4
Patricia Piccinini, Shoeform (Bloom) (2019). Resin and automotive paint. 60 x 88 x 69 cm. Exhibition view: Patricia Piccinini, HOPE, Tai Kwun Contemporary, Hong Kong. (24 May–3 September 2023). Courtesy the artist and Tai Kwun Contemporary, Hong Kong. Photo: South Ho.
Patricia Piccinini’s Sci-fi Sculptures at Tai Kwun 5
Patricia Piccinini, The Couple (2018). Silicone, hair, fibreglass. 42 x 168 x 65 cm. Exhibition view: Patricia Piccinini, HOPE, Tai Kwun Contemporary, Hong Kong. (24 May–3 September 2023). Courtesy the artist and Tai Kwun Contemporary, Hong Kong. Photo: South Ho.
Patricia Piccinini’s Sci-fi Sculptures at Tai Kwun 6
Patricia Piccinini, The Observer (2010). Silicone, fibreglass, steel, human hair, clothing, chairs. 220 x 140 x 48 cm. Exhibition view: Patricia Piccinini, HOPE, Tai Kwun Contemporary, Hong Kong. (24 May–3 September 2023). Courtesy the artist and Tai Kwun Contemporary, Hong Kong. Photo: South Ho.
Patricia Piccinini’s Sci-fi Sculptures at Tai Kwun 7
Patricia Piccinini, The Offering (2018). Silicone, hair. 12 x 24 x 28 cm. Exhibition view: Patricia Piccinini, HOPE, Tai Kwun Contemporary, Hong Kong. (24 May–3 September 2023). Courtesy the artist and Tai Kwun Contemporary, Hong Kong. Photo: South Ho.

Sci-fi sculptor Patricia Piccinini's first solo exhibition in Hong Kong is now open at Tai Kwun Contemporary.

HOPE (24 May–3 September 2023) is an in-depth survey of the Melbourne-based artist's unique practice, which imagines new kinds of life not as threats but as befitting of care and empathy.

'Our preconceived notions about biology are challenged by Piccinini's works, which force us to confront the limits of genetic experimentation, technology, the arts, and, of course, humanity itself,' said Tobias Berger, curator of HOPE, in a statement.

With over 50 works including hyper-realistic sculptures, paintings and moving images, HOPE presents an unnerving world that resonates with our concerns about genetic modification, technological progress, and unintended results.

The artist refers to 'artificial nature', in which she imagines new and hybrid life forms with some confronting consequences. These creatures are brought to life in her sculpture and imbued with a sense of vulnerability. For Piccinini, they demand of us the same right to be treated with love and respect as those in the natural world.

In a video interview with Ocula Magazine, Piccinini said, 'I think the overriding theme of my work of the last three decades has been how we as a society understand nature, as opposed to artifice. But within that there are some very strong themes around care. Like, what kinds of caring relationships are possible, and what do they look like? And I think this theme is very important when we think about the environment.'

Piccinini has featured in many highly successful exhibitions around the world, including Australia's pavilion at the 50th Venice Biennale in 2003.

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