White Cube Names Artists in Inaugural Seoul Exhibition
Works by Lee Jinju, Tracey Emin, and others will feature in the first show at the new Gangnam gallery in September.
Berlinde de Bruyckere, Arcangelo glassdome II (2021–23). Wax, animal hair, wood, glass, metal and epoxy 57 x 51 x 23 cm. Courtesy the artist and White Cube. Photo: © White Cube (Theo Christelis).
White Cube will open its new ceramic-clad location in Seoul's Gangnam district with a group exhibition from 5 September to 21 December.
Titled The Embodied Spirit, the show will present works by artists exploring themes of metaphysics, philosophy, and the inseparability of body and psyche.
Among the featured works are South Korean painter Lee Jinju's surreal abstracts, which utilise traditional Korean techniques to explore residual recollections of traumatic experiences.
The show will also include Tracey Emin's highly personal paintings, as well as paintings by Louise Giovanelli that explore heightened emotional states and rituals with abstracted quasi-religious iconography, and works by Christine Ay Tjoe that express the human condition through sensory experiences.
The lineup also includes sculptures by Berlinde de Bruyckere, Katharina Fritsch, and Marguerite Humeau.
The opening of the show will coincide with the second edition of Frieze Seoul, which runs from 6 to 9 September. At the fair, White Cube will present work by Emin and Humeau, as well as, Bram Bogart, Isamu Noguchi, Minoru Nomata, Mona Hatoum, Raqib Shaw, Theaster Gates, and Tunji Adeniyi-Jones.
The Seoul gallery's opening comes a month before White Cube launches its first space in New York, which will bring their total locations to six. The renovated three-story former bank on the Upper East Side will be inaugurated with a group show titled Chopped and Screwed from 3 to 28 October. —[O]