Lucia Koch's works often engage with investigations around space and its possibilities, seeking to offer ways of understanding, experiencing and inhabiting it. By establishing a dialogue between her artworks and architectonic aspects present in the space they occupy, Koch reimagines and interferes with materiality, light, textures, colors and other tangential lines.
Read MoreAccording to critic and curator Moacir dos Anjos, the artist 'reorganises the understanding of visual spaces [...] and establishes an interaction with the public, through negotiating with uprooting perceptions and the disconcerting effect this causes'. Using light filters and textiles, Lucia plays with light and its chromatic effects, creating tensions between the inside and the outside, transparency and opacity, thus altering the nature of space.
Since 2001, Lucia Koch has been photographing the interior of carton boxes and empty packaging in such a way that they come to resemble architectural structures. Also playing with notions of perspective, once these images are hung on a wall, they seem to allow for an extension of the space they exist in. Koch also experiments with scale, where the typically small becomes enormous and seems to become inhabitable, raising the question of what turns space into place and uproots the norms that dictate our spatial expectations and experiences.
Lucia Koch was born in 1966 in Porto Alegre. She lives and works in São Paulo. Recent solo shows include: Tumulto, turbilhão, at Galeria Nara Roesler (2019), in São Paulo, Brazil; Casa de vento, at Casa de Vidro (2019), in São Paulo, Brazil; La Temperatura del Aire, at Fundación Caja de Burgos (2015), in Burgos, Spain and Mañana, montaña, ciudad y Brotaciones, at Flora ars + natura (2014), in Bogotá, Colombia; She featured in the 11th and 13th Lyon Biennale, in France (2011 and 2015); the 27th Bienal de São Paulo, in São Paulo, Brazil (2006); the 2nd, 5th, and 8th editions of the Mercosul Biennial, in Porto Alegre, Brazil (1999, 2005, and 2011). Recent group shows include: Fabrication. Photography of Architecture after the Digital Turn, at the Museu de Arte, Arquitetura e Tecnologia (2019), in Lisbon, Portugal; Brasil, Beleza?!, at the Museum Beelden Aan Zee (2016), in Hague, The Netherlands; When Lives Become Form, itinerant show at the Yerba Buena Center For Arts, in San Francisco, USA (2009) and at the Tokyo Contemporary Art Museum, Japan (2008). Her works are included in important institutional collections, such as: Musée d'Art Contemporain de Lyon, Lyon, France; Museu de Arte do Rio (MAR), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego, San Diego, USA; The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles, USA; and at Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo, in São Paulo, Brazil.
Text courtesy Galeria Nara Roesler.