Mimi Lipton was born in Austria, andeducated in Belgium and England. She worked at the Institute of ContemporaryArts in London, where she was able to further her interest in modern art. Shehas been a lifelong collector and patron in all things Tibetan, and has travelledextensively in Africa and Asia. Publications include The Tiger Rugs ofTibet, Stacking Wood with Thorsten Düser, In the Oriental Style: Asourcebook of Decoration and Design with Michael Freeman and Siân Evans,and Jewelry from Tibet and Nepal with Jane Singer. She was also closelyinvolved in the research and realisation of the exhibition ‘People of theGolden Triangle’ and the accompanying book by Paul and Elaine Lewis. The book Untamed Encounters, aspecial illustrated catalogue of Lipton’s jewelry designs and collaborationswith master goldsmiths, was published by Thames & Hudson in 2014.