Jhaveri Contemporary is proud to announce a group show featuring works by Amina Ahmed, the late Anwar Jalal Shemza, and Parul Thacker.
At first glance, black may seem to cast a unifying cloak over the three bodies of works—Ahmed’s etchings on carbon paper, Shemza’s early India ink-on-muslin-on-paper works, and Thacker’s sooty sculptural scenes. Yet the three take an ‘achromatic’ approach to black, unmooring it from its either/ or relationship with light. In their hands, black is haptic: it is an accomplice to an experience that reaches beyond sight, channelling something more visceral—sonic, tactile, kinetic—than visual. The medium—ink, soot, carbon—is not simply the indexical means by which black is conveyed to a surface, but is itself wound up in the movement inherent to this achromatic black-as-activity.
When Ahmed pricks the skin of carbon paper with her compass, she penetrates black as generative: her process enlists the site of blackness (rather than the mere medium of the paper) as a source, a background hum to her syncopated mark-marking. Thacker literally sets contours of her pieces ablaze, the camphor flames leaving in their wake an unpredictable black born of the elemental. Shemza’s inked abstractions and hatching-rhythmed still-lifes reinstate black to its rightful ‘thing- ness’: commuted through the tendrils of open-weave muslin, blackness emerges as freely sinuous, bristling with the dynamism that morphs into frame, fish scales, or billow.
These works are not so much seen as they are felt: achromatic black seeps beyond the neat confines of the viewing state, inviting other senses to revel in what was greedily staked for sight.
Press release courtesy Jhaveri Contemporary.
3rd Floor Devidas Mansion
4 Mereweather road
Apollo Bandar Colaba
Mumbai, 400 001
+91 22 2202 1051
Tuesday – Saturday
11am – 6:30pm