The last few years I have been working on a project in which I explore the relationship between cinematic reality and our everyday life. Also the possible analogies between the history of painting and cinema. The fiction in movies helps me to know the environment in which I live and to know myself. Movies are my source of visual and conceptual resources. I’m interested in our sense of permission with movies, how, due to their fictional nature, they approach unimaginable subjects within the social codes that make a reality such as ours remain regulated.
Read MoreRecurring motifs in the history of painting such as the landscape, the house, the salon, or the figure often play a major role in my work, as a cinematographic plane that goes from the general to the singular. Each painting, seemingly normal, encloses some enigma, some unstable element, one or more visual fissures that places the image close to the conventional but in a different terrain, supposedly familiar but really unknown.
Sound and music have always been present in my work, whether in painting, video or directly in sound productions performed under my first name or the alias Lynda Blair.