1301PE is pleased to announce its second solo exhibition with Danish collective SUPERFLEX. The group has gained worldwide recognition for their diverse and complex projects. The focus of SUPERFLEX's exhibition, _Modern Times, Forever, _is the fictional belief in our own invincibility.
For this exhibition, three major works, Modern Times Forever, Blackout and Experience Climate Change As An Animal will be presented for the first time in the United States. Modern Times Forever****is a 240-hour film depicting the demise of architect Alvar Aalto's Stora Enso monumental headquarters building in Helsinki. Being the longest film ever made, time has a dual effect of speed and slowness as it covers 5,000 years.
The building is also cast to play this role because there is something about these modernist icons that they're not supposed to get old; their supposed to always look young. And when they start to look old you feel that there's something fundamentally wrong. -SUPERFLEX
First exhibited in 2009 at Kunsthallen Brandts in Odense, Holland,Blackout is a collaboration between SUPERFLEX and British artist, Simon Starling. Derived from a modern lamp design by Poul Henningsen for Tivoli Gardens in Copenhagen during World War II, Blackout refers to the hope of living a normal safe life under the threat of harm.
SUPERFLEX powerfully continues this theme in Experience Climate Change As An Animal. Here a series of unique poster size works propose a future event that features hypnosis sessions where humans are to see themselves as animals threatened by extinction. The three bodies of work that comprise this exhibition question basic themes in our modern times.
SUPERFLEX was formed in 1993 by Rasmus Nielsen, Jakob Fenger and Bjornstjerne Christiansen. Major solo exhibitions include: 2011 Modern Times Forever, IHME Festival, Helsinki, Finland;Cockroach Tour, The Science Museum, London, UK; 2010 SUPERFLEX: the financial crisis, Sprengel Museum, Hannover, Germany; Black Box: SUPERFLEX, Hirschhorn Museum, Washington DC, USA; 2005 SUPERFLEX/SUPERSHOW, Kunsthalle Basel, Switzerland; 2004 Self-organize/ Guarana Power, REDCAT, Los Angeles, USA; Superchannel/Superstudent, Galleria Civica di Arte, Trento, Italy; Superdanish, The Power Plant, Toronto, Canada; 2003 Counter-Strike/ Self-Organize, Museum of Contemporary Art Kiasma, Helsinki, Finland; Social Pudding, Rirkrit Tirvanija & SUPERFLEX. Group exhibitions include 2008 Prospect New Orleans; 2006 Sao Paulo Biennial; 6th Gwangju Biennial 2006; Radical Software, CCA Wattis, San Francisco.
Press release courtesy 1301PE.
6150 Wilshire Boulevard
Los Angeles, 90048
United States
+1 323 938 5822
+1 323 938 6106 (Fax)
Tuesday – Saturday
11am – 6pm