Using a wide variety of materials- from shopping trolleys to video to food- Choi Jeong Hwa's playful practice comments on the priveleged status of art and its institution. His most well known installations are spectacular inflatable blooms. These colourful public works create a bridge between the modern world and the cosmological realm of Asian symbolism. The lotus, as a symbol of purity and divinity, is rewritten as an immortal icon of commodity culture. And avid collector of urban detritus, Choi Jeong Hwa is regarded as a founding member of the Korean Pop Art movement.
Read MoreTrained as a designer and artist Choi has participated in many biennials of contemporary art, including the Arsenale Kyiv (2012), the 17th Sydney Biennial (2010), the Gwangju Biennale (2006), the Venice Biennale – Korean pavilion (2005), the CP Biennale (2005), the Liverpool Biennial (2004), the Lyon Biennale (2003), the Yokohama Triennale (2001), the São Paulo Biennale (1998) and the Taipei Biennale (1998). Choi Jeong Hwa was born 1961 in Seoul, Korea. He lives and works in Seoul.