Jason Au is an award-winning street photographer based in Hong Kong. Black and white is his preferred medium of expression. His high-aesthetic works often incorporate creative, geometric and balanced compositions.
Read MoreHis street photography series "Hong Kong Lines and Patterns" comes with the compositional approach of isolating urban subjects and geometric elements from the mundane yet chaotic urban environment of his hometown. Nevertheless, those subjects look trapped and lost inside an artificial geometric labyrinth without realising it. Perhaps the images imply the melancholic romance of hectic modern city life in a metropolis like Hong Kong.
Jason has won numerous international photography awards, including Shortlisted in the "Sony World Photography Awards" (Architectural & Design Category, Professional Competition) in 2022, 2nd Place and Finalist in the "LensCulture Street Photography Awards" in 2021 and 2022 respectively, 2nd Place in the "Xposure International Photography Awards" (Street Photography Category) in 2022, two 1st Places in the "International Photography Awards" in 2021, 1st Place in the "Life Framer Black & White Photography Prize" in 2022, 1st Places in the "Paris Street Photo Awards" in 2021 and 2022, 1st Place in the "ND Awards" in 2021, Remarkable Award in the "URBAN Photo Awards" in 2022, 2nd Place in the "Fine Art Photography Awards" in 2021, 2nd Place in the "Minimalist Photography Awards" in 2022, 3rd Place in the "MonoVisions Photography Awards" in 2022, as well as over twenty Honourable Mentions.
Jason is represented by the Blue Lotus Gallery in Hong Kong and is a Fellow of the Royal Photographic Society of Great Britain (FRPS). Jason's works have been exhibited worldwide, including in New York, London, Barcelona, Ghent, Johannesburg, Sharjah and Athens. His photos were featured in the South China Morning Post, the Guardian and the Observer.
Jason Au(歐忠信)是一名屢獲國際獎項的香港街頭攝影師,黑白是他偏好的藝術表現方式。他的作品往往融合了幾何元素、光影對比及構圖的考量。
歐氏曾獲得多個國際攝影獎項,包括2022年「索尼世界攝影大賽」建築與設計組別(專業組)入圍作品、「LensCulture街頭攝影獎」亞軍(2021年)及決選名單入圍(2022年)、2022年「Xposure國際攝影獎」街頭攝影組別亞軍、2021年「IPA國際攝影獎」兩項冠軍、2022年「Life Framer黑白攝影獎」冠軍、2021及2022年「巴黎街頭攝影獎」冠軍、2021年「ND攝影獎」冠軍、2022年「URBAN攝影獎」優秀獎、2021年「FAPA藝術攝影獎」亞軍、2022年「極簡主義攝影獎」亞軍、2022年「MonoVisions黑白攝影獎」季軍,以及超過二十項榮譽獎項。
歐氏的攝影作品由香港藍蓮畫廊(Blue Lotus Gallery)代理。歐氏也是英國皇家攝影學會最高榮銜的博學會士(FRPS)。其作品曾在多國展出,包括紐約、倫敦、巴塞隆拿、根特、約翰內斯堡、沙迦及雅典。香港《南華早報》、英國《衛報》及《觀察家報》曾對歐氏的攝影作品作專題報道。