Jonathan Delachaux (b. 1976, Môtiers, Switzerland) graduated from the Ecole Superieure d'Arts Visuels, Geneva, in 1998. He had numerous solo shows, at venues such as Galerie Une, Neuchâtel, Switzerland (2002, with Zoé Cappon); Haas & Fischer, Zürich (2006 and 2009); Schweizerische Botschaft, Berlin (2006); New Galerie de France, and b (both Paris, 2008); Foxy Production, New York (2009, with Lizzie Fitch); Galerie Daniel Varenne, Geneva (2011); and J & P Fine Art, Zurich (2012). In 2007, Delachaux's work was on view in the project space of Thomas Erben Gallery. He lives and works in Geneva.