Jaffa Lam Laam received her BFA, MFA and Postgraduate Diploma in Education at the Chinese University of Hong Kong. She is a Hong Kong-based artist specialising in large-scale, site-specific and mixed-media works, often making use of recycled materials, such as crate wood, old furniture and umbrella fabric.
Read MoreSince 1999, in her Micro Economic and other public/community projects, she has been connecting heritage and current affairs, and representing ordinary people through non-narrative and dialogical installations.
Apart from solo exhibitions, Lam has been invited to take part in many international shows, as well as artist residency programmes in Japan, Kenya, Taiwan, Bangladesh, China, United States, France and Canada, etc. She received a Desiree and Hans Michael Jebsen Fellowship from the Asian Cultural Council in 2006 and was an awardee of the Secretary for Home Affairs' Commendation Scheme in 2017.
In 2009, she started a community project in Hong Kong titled Micro Economy. At the invitation of Hong Kong Arts Centre, Jaffa staged the exhibition: Jaffa Lam Laam Collaborative: Weaver, to highlight this project. It has been represented Hong Kong to show in Setouchi Triennale, Japan (2013), Hong Kong Week, Taiwan (2015), China 8, Germany (2015), Utopias/Heterotopia Wuzhen International Contemporary Art Exhibition (2016), and Lumieres, Lyon (2018), and she was invited as a collaborator to show in Manifesta 12: The European Nomadic Biennial (2018) in Palermo, Italy.
Text courtesy Zilberman.