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Sabina Sabolović, Nataša Ilić, and Ivet Ćurlin are the new artistic directors of the once-in-a-decade sculpture exhibition.

Curators What, How & for Whom Join Skulptur Projekte Münster

From left: What, How & for Whom's Sabina Sabolović, Nataša Ilić, and Ivet Ćurlin. Photo: Hanna Neander.

German sculpture exhibition Skulptur Projekte Münster has announced the artistic directors for the exhibition's 50th anniversary edition in 2027.

The event will be led by Ivet Ćurlin, Nataša Ilić, and Sabina Sabolović, members of What, How & for Whom (WHW), a curatorial collective formed in Zagreb in 1999 with Ana Dević and designer and publicist Dejan Kršić.

'We want to address the social and political tensions of the present through our work with the artists, and we will seek to build on the practices of feminism and collectivism, as well as the many previous experiments with public art,' they said.

Claes Oldenburg, Giant Pool Balls (Skulpter Projekte 1977).

Claes Oldenburg, Giant Pool Balls (Skulpter Projekte 1977). Photo: Hubertus Huvermann.

'How can art in public space today meaningfully address the fragility of democracy, ecology and common life? Can it strengthen mutual respect and liberation? How can we reformulate the pedagogical claim that the Skulptur Projekte has had since its beginnings? These are the questions that will characterise our curatorial journey over the next three years.'

Previous projects WHW worked on include the 11th Istanbul Biennial in 2009, the Croatian Pavilion at the 54th Venice Biennale in 2011, and Really Useful Knowledge at Museo Nacional Centro de Arte Reina Sofia, Madrid, in 2014.

Skulptur Projekte Münster was founded by Klaus Bußmann and Kasper König in 1977. It is supported by the Landschaftsverband Westfalen-Lippe and the City of Münster.

Over 220 artists have exhibited in the exhibition since its founding, including Richard Serra, Bruce Nauman, and Nicole Eisenman. —[O]

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