Jiang Pengyi creates surreal, illusory yet delicate images mostly on film. Known for his relentless experimentation and exploration on light with time, space and various medium, he is named
The Explorer of Light by Gu Zheng, one of China’s the most influential photography theorists and art critic. His exhibiting series
Intimacy capture reflections of light, in which he produces them through the use of the florescent paper and the photographic film by means of a silver salt treatment. The
Inconsolable Memories presents a series of Polaroids, which the artist describes the aged film like memories left by a gerontic man.
Jiang Pengyi’s study of light encompasses the basis of occurrence and tolerance, similarly, reflecting the spiritual level of an artist communicating with, presenting and absolutely comprehending light.
Intimacy is a story, an allegory on Light.
Press release courtesy ShanghART.